linsou (为死别)
2018-05-10 16:52:08这是我在couchsurfing网站看到的资讯
有MIT史隆学院财务背景,并任职过BCG和ING bank
business plan, best practice research,
strategy workshops, valuations, financial modelling
他在couchsurfing网站上的帐号是 Robin Vogelaar
Robin Vogelaar
Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Hello everyone,
I have a background in finance (at MIT Sloan School of Management) and
consulting (at Boston Consulting Group and ING Bank in Amsterdam) and
every year I aim to spend my holidays volunteering for social enterprises
/ NGOs, so far ~20 different countries in the past 6 years.
The support I can offer is on business plan, best practice research,
strategy workshops, valuations, financial modelling, etc. For example,
I can help with strategic support on fundraising, volunteer engagement,
impact measurement or any other topic.
Until now I have supported ~140 social impact organizations with consulting,
for example Red Cross in Quito/Amsterdam, WWF in Brasilia, Habitat for
Humanity in Recife, Terre des Hommes in Fortaleza, SOS Children’s Villages
in La Paz, TECHO in Santiago, MIT FAB LAB in Panama, PACARI Social Chocolate
in Quito, Carvajal Foundation in Cali, Saúde Criança in Rio de Janeiro,
Unitus Capital in Bangalore, and Koperasi Kasih Indonesia in Jakarta.
This June I hope to contribute to an NGO for free in Tainan. I was wondering
whether anyone knows of any NGOs or social enterprises that might be
Thank you in advance!
Robin Vogelaar