yangivy (hmmm...)
2016-07-04 16:31:571. 自介:我们已经是运作超过2年的读书会了,有不少基本成员
Introduction: Our English speaking group has been steadily run for more
than 2 years. Although we have quite a few group members, we still need to
recruit some since the number is decreasing.
2. 对象:想练习英文口说的同好、或外国朋友想认识本地人
Recruits: For those who want to practice speaking Enligsh or for
foreigners who want to make friends.
3. 目标:增进英文口说能力
Purpose: To sharpen English speaking ability.
4. 原因(Reason):English is super important!!
5. 地点:大同路一段近长荣路Starbucks(我们有自己的studio+萤幕设备)
Place: On Tatung Rd.(We have a private studio with display equipments.)
6. 时间:每周五晚上7:30-9:30
Time: every Friday evening 7:30-9:30
7. 方式:每人轮流当Host,由他决定主题带大家讨论
Conducting ways: Members take turns to be the host and decide on the topic
for discussion.
8. 范围:不限
9. 人数限制:No
Rules: You are required to show up at least twice a month and
be the host.
If you're interested, please mail me your brief self-introdiction.