主要征求项目:Looking for English speaking partner
酬谢物:Starbucks coffee
交易地点:Dali Dist.
heroe (店长)
2015-02-06 18:59:00where is the haha point?
Tutor maybe is the answer
I am serious to find a person to chat in Englishwith me. I don't understand why you guys are somean to me.
ok, that's my bad. I made some motification.I am sorry.
sit down pleasewhy you so insist in English
that's good question.It's needed in my job.
manueltu (Iron man)
2015-02-06 21:35:00i am in longging. a bit far, a pity
em29 (What the hell....)
2015-02-06 21:50:00too far~~~~~~sigh..
downtown Taichung is okay for me as well
yanggiin (文组pollo只有1001招!)
2015-02-06 22:18:00英文不好可以吗?
I think so. if so, I would say we can meet up toknow each other's level first then see how we work on this.
opheius (双子宝宝)
2015-02-06 22:53:00要讲多久才赚得到一杯星巴客啊? 半小时? 4小时?
wade0408 (Atlas)
2015-02-06 23:18:00A bit far, so pity. If in nantun district will be okay
Not that far. we will find a place good for bothof us.
Luksury (GO BOSTON!)
2015-02-07 00:34:00This is an apple