※ 引述《googoo1102 (googoo)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《trtr112 (pk)》之铭言:
: : 请问各位先进,
: : 在书上看到不同的三句分词句构的例句分别如下:
: : 1. He sat in the corner reading a newspaper.
: He sat in the corner and read a newspaper.
: -> He sat in the corner reading a newspaper.
: :
He sat in the corner, he read a newspaper.
改成: He sat in the corner, reading a newspaper.
2. The little girl said goodbye to her friends, waving her hand.
: : 3. I closed my eyes, trying to take a rest.
: I closed my eyes, I tried to take a rest
: -> I closed my eyes, trying to take a rest
: : 以上三个例句是用分词句构, 这个可以理解, 但不懂的是, 为何第一个例句
: : 不用加逗点, 而第2.3的例句却要加逗点呢? 还是说以上三句要不要加逗点都
: : 可以?
: : 感恩回答!