2017-12-01 02:56:06※ 引述《Timzy (创世纪)》之铭言:
: P.220
: The dog prefers negotiation to fighting,
: and properly so since he is very bad at fighting.
: But he is a good watch dog - has a roar like a lion,
: designed to conceal from night-wandering strangers
: the fact that he is a great coward
: 问题1: conceal是动词 后面又接上了the fact that he is a great coward
: 请问是 conceal the fact that he is a great coward吗?(断句很难)
but 开始那句 整句其实只有 He is a good watch dog. 而已
破折号插入句先不看 整句大致会变成:
He is a dog, (being) designed to conceal a fact from strangers [...].
去查一下 be designed to / conceal sth. from sb. 用法就好
因为sth. 的内容一大串 (the fact) 所以通通丢到后面变成 conceal from sb sth
深入一点 这种华丽文学(八成是抄来改成题目的)句法一定都有很多讨论空间
不是讨论文法对或错 (毕竟人家是正统老美写出来的文学作品)
而是讨论语感 逻辑顺畅度... 是否有更好的写法... 为何需要到这样写...这些
但这应该是隔壁板的事了~ 多益应该不可能管到这些~
: 问题2(填空题) There seemed to be no chance of his recovery
: 答案是There 为什么不能Here?
这是虚主词选谁的问题耶... 虚主词不是there 就是it
单纯回答为何不能用here 很简单 因为它不是虚主词
找零钱的here's your change 是倒装 there comes the fool. 也是倒装
它们只是个副词 很多副词只要是后接表状态或动作的动词 都可直接拉到主词前面
拉到前面去并不是代表它就变主词了~ 你要问的问题2 前面空格必需是主词
如果你认为可以依样画葫芦填there here 唸起来不错顺的"副词"的话
那... 主词要丢去哪里??
如果句型换成 there be... there V... it be... it V... 你就不会选错的话
那问题可能是出在seem to (不过它可以砍掉不要看 变 there's no chance...)
常用句 there seems to be ... (there在这用法下后面能接得动词非常少种
it seems that... (句型类似于it looks that... it appears that...这种的就很多
至于什么时候用there 什么时候用it ? 这又是隔壁板的事了...