[其他] 笛藤600字 例句翻译

楼主: sam1491 (uncle)   2017-06-15 13:53:53
书名:笛藤 新TOEIC必考单字600 5th edition
页数:p26, Lesson 5 Conference
在word families中有几个例句的翻译想和各位请教,如下
1. Any association with the former company will put us in a negative light.
问题:in a...light根据Longman线上字典的说明是:
"if someone or something is seen or shown in a particular light, people can
see that particular part of their character"
不过用在此句感觉很怪,in...a light有其他更适合的翻译吗?
2. Do you think customers will associate the failed upstart with ours?
3. The associated costs will put this project out of our reach.
问题:out of one's reach可以翻作"非某人能力所及",此句翻成
作者: xibi11231123 (小洋)   2017-06-15 14:19:00
3我觉得ok1的话 put STH in a negative light我的是会让我们站在一个不利位置,因我知道put STH in a bad light是让某人站在不好的灯光下意思是其他人只会看到他的坏处及劣势

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