{1} 书名:NEW TOEIC 金色证书:文法-众文图书 页数:第一回-4页-11题 题目:There was general agreement that her contribution to the project was__. (A)excel (B)excellent (C)excellently (D)excelled 疑问:把A删去后 剩下3个我选(D) be Vpp,在其他的地方有看过be Vpp然后打句点 但是答案是 B {2} 书名:NEW TOEIC 金色证书:文法-众文图书 页数:第一回-19页-19题 题目:Due to ___ in modern restaurant sanitation practices,very few customers get sick from food poisoning any more. (A)progressed (B)progressing (C)progress (D)progressive 疑问:把A D删去后 我选B,介系词+Ving,答案是C {3} 书名:NEW TOEIC 金色证书:文法-众文图书 页数:第二回-41页-5题 题目:Because of ___ the sports gym,we will now be able to enjoy yoga and aerobics in our town. (A)the construction of (B)constructs (C)constructed (D)constructing 疑问:这题与第2题,我先删去B D 选D,介系词+Ving,答案是A {4} 书名:NEW TOEIC 金色证书:文法-众文图书 页数:第一回-11页-38题 题目:Mobile phones have advanced to such an extent that they now compare ___with desktop computers in their usefulness. (A)favor (B)favored (C)favorable (D)favorably 疑问:把B D 删去后,我选A,一般动词后面+N,可是答案是D {5} 书名:NEW TOEIC 金色证书:文法-众文图书 页数:第二回-43页-14题 题目:The team members on the project to expand the company's market share had such ___ that all of them worked overtime for weeks. (A)enthusiasm (B)enthusiast (C)enthusiastic (D)enthusiastically 疑问:我把C D 删去后,A B之间该怎么做选择?答案是A {6} 书名:NEW TOEIC 金色证书:文法-众文图书 页数:第三回-78页-3题 题目:When the delivery truck ___,call the crew quickly,because we fon't have much time to unload it. (A)will pull in (B)pulls in (C)to pull in (D)is pulling in 疑问:把A C去掉后,B D之间要怎么选择答案是B {7} 书名:NEW TOEIC 金色证书:文法-众文图书 页数:第三回-82页-20题 题目:The staff searched the office for the missing records,but couldn't even determine if they were still there or if someone ___them. (A)had removed (B)have removed (C)was removed (D)removes 疑问:我看到or前面有过去式,就选C了,答案是A {8} 书名:NEW TOEIC 金色证书:文法-众文图书 页数:第四回-112页-10题 题目:The president requested that manager provide a more comprehensive and ____information about the discrepancy between the estimated and actual profit of last year's business plan. (A)detailed (B)detailing (C)detail (D)detailer 疑问:我把C D删去后,A B该如何做选择 我看到后面有名词就猜Ving了,答案是A {9} 书名:NEW TOEIC 金色证书:文法-众文图书 页数:第四回-112页-11题 题目:Widespread ___ in the industry have wiped out nearly all profit for every company. (A)discounted (B)discount (C)discounting (D)discounts 疑问:Vpp一开始就在句首,第一次看过,答案D {10} 书名:NEW TOEIC 金色证书:文法-众文图书 页数:第四回-121页 题目:Our company is now considering the ___of moving out IT section to Bangalore in India. (A)feasible (B)feasibility (C)feasibleness (D)feasibly 疑问:把A D删去后 ,B C之间该如何做选择?,答案是B {11} 书名:NEW TOEIC 金色证书:文法-众文图书 页数:第一回-43页-13题 题目:The value of giving special research grants ___ still being debated by the board members. (A)are (B)have (C)is (D)were 疑问:删除B,我看到grants,选A,答案是C,这题的单复数要怎么看才正确? 身边都没有可以求助的朋友~希望有天使降临~