[分享]突破中翻英 高中英文写出托福高分by Kat

楼主: rexguitar   2022-09-13 16:39:43
[突破中翻英 高中英文也能得托福高分]
我的托福作文只有自己懂吗?! 许多同学难过写作低分,但练习时却没有发现盲点!
,题目是Should private schools receive financial support?
X 大概念过多: 下文每个问号都点出了问题,读读看。
First, providing financial support to private schools reduces the taxpayers'
burden. (此为主要论点) An increase in budgetary plans (?) leads to an
increase in taxation(?). Closure of all private schools (?) means that
taxpayers' will have to fully cater for all students' fees regardless of
their social status (?).
考官读起来一定困惑closure of all private schools,和social status这些状况和新
概念从何而来 (天外飞来?) 当你解释时提出过多大概念,却缺乏清楚具体的说明,加上
O 改善方式: 每段只提“一个”大概念,其余内容为举例具体说明。
First, paying to support private schools saves the government’s budget. [点出
大概念,之后每句解释都要扣紧它并“比它具体”] For example, “the Taiwanese
government provided 10%” of all private schools’ funding. [用事件、数字具体
解释] When the schools received the aid, they also agreed to contribute to
local communities by “opening their auditorium to host community events”.
→ 抽象概念少,具体说明多能确认自己的意思有效传达,用高中英文就获得高分
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