20211005 新加坡国立大学MBA线上说明会
National University of Singapore, MBA Webinar
Date: Tuesday, 5 Oct 2021
Time: 7.30-8.30pm Taiwan time
Venue: Online (Zoom) (Zoom link will be emailed within 24 hours after registration)
Registration link: https://bit.ly/2021NUSMBA
What to expect from the webinar:
‧ Determine if you are a good fit for The NUS MBA
‧ Hear from a current student on their journey in the programme so far
‧ Ask questions or discuss aspects related to the programme, student experience and the NUS MBA application
Key Factors abt NUS MBA
‧ #14 in the Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2021
‧ Programme duration – 17 months (full-time), 24 or 30 months (part-time)
‧ Merit-based scholarships and grants are available for outstanding candidates
时间: 2021年10月5日(二),晚上 19:30
地点: Anywhere you like, as long as there's internet (线上说明会连结将于报名后
*免费活动人数有限,务必线上报名 https://bit.ly/2021NUSMBA
活动内容: 新加坡国立大学MBA招生代表将介绍新加坡整体环境及就业状况介绍、课程特
色介绍, 以及由面试官的角度, 提供申请的密技。并将邀请校友分享心路历程