[心得] 五战102 感谢SK2 和 NOTEFULL QQ

楼主: jerrywei24 (jerry)   2018-04-16 20:40:28
2018/3/26 L25 / R 28 / S 22 / W 27 Total: 102 (惨烈的5战)
[托福准备] NOTEFULL的影片,CRUSH COURSE,SK2冲刺班,小站托福
*整体准备* 我上完课之后就是依照Rosa发的30天计画,每天照着进度做、纪录错题,我觉得这样相当有效。
*听力* 针对听力的部分,一定要练习Rosa上课时说的抓关键字(八大点)这件事情。如果抓得到 关键字,在抄笔记时会非常省力,而且能有效地在考题跑出来前就先想好哪里可能会考, 会更能够找到答案。
*阅读* 我觉得rosa讲的”先自己想一个答案"真的很重要!因为在考试上常常会有模棱两可的答案,如果先看答案再选就往往会出错。此外,我也推荐rosa的分题型练习,每天只要练一种题型就好,先熟练解题流程;我实际操作过之后发现我在实战中真的会自然而然的找到答案,真的很棒!最后则是skim的技巧,我觉得真的相当有用,在实战中省去我不少的力气。
我觉得SHOW所说的转折语真的有用;在准备口说的时候我发现转折语不仅仅只是在拖时间或是提醒对方重点而已;我个人认为转折语还可以训练口说的逻辑,让讲话更有道理;像是讲例子时如果需要更加阐述的时候就可以说”to further elaborate,.....”;对我来说,转折语不仅仅是把自己的话讲得让对方更加清楚,同时也是在理顺自己的逻辑,让自己不要紧张。
*写作* 我在这部分有混合了ROSA和NOTEFULL的作法:我认为ROSA在例子发展上相当的完整,在实战中我发现如果照着ROSA的方法写的话应该是能够很快的把例子想出来;此外,ROSA的主题句和word bank 相当有用,在一开始想点上会快上许多。
It is important for teachers to reduce the phenomenon of copying the homework. It's because students need to develop themselves from doing the homework, not copying.
However, some may agree that parents should supervise their children's study, while others may agree that teachers should punish those children who copy homework. In my view, I think that teachers should simply assign homework that can't be easily copied.
The main reason is that parents have limited time and energy, and a homework that can't be easily copied can help parents save their time supervising their kids and make joyful memories with their kids.
For example, when I was a kid, my teacher sent me a homework.
That homework asked me to record my daily sleeping duration and drew a graph about it. So, I couldn't copy graphs from other people because no two people would have identical sleeping time. Thus, I needed to do it by myself. Because my parents were businessmen during those days, they were thankful about the teacher because such tasks didn't require them to supervise my homework all the time. They had scarce time to spend on me. So, they could spend time doing something interesting with me, such as soccer
games, not supervising my homework. As the result , they spent their limited time making joyful memories with me.
On the other hand, when I was a junior high school student in Taipei city, my teacher asked my parents to supervise my math homework. Nonetheless, my parents were busy at those days. Therefore, they didn't fully spend time on either making funny memories with me or taking closer look on my homework. As the result, I got c- on my math finals, and I didn't have any joyful memories with my families.
The second reason is that students should be honest, but punishing students who copy homework would only make them lie in the future .
For example, when I was a elementary student, I saw my English teacher punished her students in front of everyone because those students copy homework of short essay about gingerbread man. However, she didn't expect what was happening next. After that incident, no one told truth to her anymore because everyone was feared of being punished and insulted in front of everyone. As the result, my English teacher needed to make more effort on checking everyone's homework to make sure that no one cheated.
As you can see, making a homework that can't be easily copied should be much more easier.
In a nutshell, I think that assigning homework that can't be easily copied is much more easier than asking parents to supervise their children or punishing children.
It's not only because parents have limited time and energy, but also students can be honest in the future.
作者: earnest (大卫)   2018-04-18 00:58:00

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