※ 引述《LittleIe (梦)》之铭言: (原文恕删) : 答案是A : 不过觉得D也对 : 请问有大神能够将D选项拆成几个句子吗? : 另外,请问D选项中的such as 是like的意思吗? : 看了考满分跟其他网站的解答依然不懂 : 先谢谢大家了Orz 首先,您可以使用定位技巧-learn how to locate relevant information in a text. Which of the following allowed Teotihuacan to have "a competitive edge over its neighbors"? 本题题干(注一)甚至用 quotation marks 直接引述原文、考试接口也帮 我们 highlight 这个词组了,因此答案就在这段的主题句(topic sentence) 里面: It seems likely that Teotihuacan's natural resources, along with the city elite's ability to recognize their potential, gave the city a competitive edge over its neighbors.