[ JJ ]5/25美加小范围秒杀口说6题-名师现场回报

楼主: Merica (美加文教)   2014-05-25 12:42:33
Task 1
1.Describe the differences between two singers or musicians that you are
familiar with. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
Task 2
Some people prefer to have fast food in a fast food restaurant; others do not
prefer to have fast food. How about you and why?
Task 3
minimum三门fine arts courses。好处1、improve creativity,good for work。好处2
、help students to relax。
【学生态度】:男生反对此计画。理由1、如果选了too many arts courses,学生就do
not have enough time to study own major courses,所以这一要求并不会对他们的
关于finance或banking的课了。理由2、他took a sculpture course last semester,该
课的确有趣,但对于没有天赋的学生来说还是tough,要做a lot of work。他felt too
stressful,所以学艺术课根本can’t help to relax。问题:转述男生对学校计画的态
Task 4
1.【名词解释】:self-serving biases:when talk about their performance,
people tend to attribute their successes to their talent and abilities,but
ascribe their failures to external factors。Some times, an excuse to a
failure is not a bad thing. It could help people work harder next time。
【教授举例】:Two groups of students were asked to attend an intelligence
ability test。Researchers didn’t tell them their real scores。Just tell
students that one half of them received low scores, and another half of them
received high scores。Later,interview these students。Students who received
high scores attributed their success to their talent、ability and hard work。
Students who received low scores ascribed their failure to some external
factors,such as unclear instructions and tricky questions,so that they can
hold faith on themselves。
Task 5
【学生困难】:男生在玩篮球时,扭到脚了hurt his foot,又肿又疼(swelling and
hurt)。He needs to go to a clinic,no time to go to clinic cause下午有review
【解决方案】:女生给了他两个解决方案:方案1、go to clinic this afternoon。坏处
:he 不想错过has to attend a review session this afternoon。If he goes to the
hospital, he may have to wait for several hours。方案2、今天先复习,明早再去医
院he could go to clinic tomorrow。理由:他说他自己还能站得起来。坏处:这样对身
体不好afraid it might get worse。
Task 6
【讲课要点】:trees use adaptations to protect themselves from a forest fire:
Adaptation 1、有develop a thick bark,可以保持树内部的the inner part of the
tree cooloer during the fire。还能保持树木内部输送的water也不升温。举例:
Douglas fir(道格拉斯冷杉)的树皮很厚。当遇到森林大火时,这种树的树皮可分泌出
Adaptation 2、因为森林大火一般是从地面烧起,沿着树较低处的枝叶不断向上烧。着火
的较低处的枝叶自动脱落remove some parts to prevent the fire from climbing
高处branches前, 树枝会自动脱落drop off the lower small branches,从而防止大火
向高处树枝蔓延keep the fire from climbing on the main branchs。
作者: shellyself (零)   2014-05-25 14:02:00
作者: chiaolan (阿花)   2014-05-25 14:13:00
作者: runningljs (RUNNINGLJS)   2014-05-25 14:24:00
楼主: Merica (美加文教)   2014-05-25 15:35:00
免客气~^^" 任何问题欢迎回来问老师和助教喔

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