
楼主: gg142000   2014-04-26 10:44:00
但之后一直没消息 中间也又寄信去问一两次
都是回我罐头回复 都说啥三个星期会好之类的
却突然在罐头回信后说 你的传真是空白的
而且已经过了一个月了 所以无法再申请复查....
当场看到没气昏= = 一直没回我 却又突然这样讲
我第一次传真还有用付费的方式 之后又传了两次免费的传真 都是用Faxzero..
我确定我的PDF是有写东西的... 而且就算没收到也该早点讲 真是气死了..
In response to your inquiries, your March 22, 2014 TOEFL IBT rescore request
has not been received at ETS to date. All rescores are completed
approximately 3 weeks after receipt at ETS® and do not appear on your
account until processing has been completed.
Thank you for your current correspondence; however, the rescoring form you
faxed was submitted blank. We regret at this time that it is now too late for
your request to be accepted as rescoring requests must be received at ETS
within 30 days after the test date.
We apologize, but cannot be of further service at this time.
请问我之后打电话去客服还有用吗 还是真的是一个月就没办法复查了...
作者: Azraelz (多吃一点才会胖!)   2014-05-06 15:30:00
楼主: gg142000   2014-05-07 12:24:00

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