[旧爱] 菲裔美军寻找1968年照片中的女人

楼主: hank11202010 (阿爆)   2016-03-23 12:22:56
###找人请把原因写清楚 讨债 寻仇 报复 等等不好的事情 我会一律删除###备注:按ctrl+v可看到彩色画面(请删去此行)
2.<寻找对象姓名>:纪明英(chi ming yin)错号kiko
12.<其他特征描述>:大家好!在照片中间的男士是我的父亲,在右手边的女士是我父亲从1968到现在一直再寻找的人。她的名字是“Ming Ying
Chi”(翻译者的我在想因是罗马通用译语),我父亲给她的小名是“Kiko”。现在的她约为70-71岁,会说英文,我父亲非常爱她,也曾想把她带回美国,但当时情况不容许。她曾写信过给我父亲,告诉他,她生下了他们俩的孩子(男生为台湾-非洲美国裔,现今年龄约为47-48岁),后来我父亲跟别人结婚了,当时我祖母没把信转交给他,并且也没告诉我父亲Ming的回信地址及小孩的名字。我父亲曾登报协寻过,但始终无音讯。从1968到现在,我父亲一直再寻找“Ming Ying Chi
Hello Everyone! My Father, pictured in the middle has been searching for the lady pictured on the right since 1968. Her name is Ming Ying Chi (his nickname for her was Kiko, she spoke English and should be around 70-71 years old, now). He was in the US Air Force and was stationed in Taichung, Taiwan during the Vietnam War. He was very much in love with her and wanted to bring her back to the United States, but was unable to at that time. She wrote him one letter telling him that she had given birth to
his child, a little boy (he is Taiwanese and African-American and should be approx. 47-48 years old now). Because he was to marry someone else, my Grandmother would not give him the letter, give him Ming's return address or tell him the child's name. He has even listed several ads in the newspaper there over the years, with no responses. He has been searching for his son and Ming since 1968. He recently told my siblings and I the whole story and asked if we can help him find them before he dies. The lady
pictured on the left is Ming's sister. I don't know her name. If anyone in Taichung knows either of these ladies, PLEASE, PLEASE help me get in contact with her. I would appreciate anyone's help.
作者: yl871015 (小y)   2016-03-24 01:08:00
作者: ETTom (喵)   2016-03-24 05:18:00
八卦板可以问看看 不知道板规可不可以就是了
楼主: hank11202010 (阿爆)   2016-03-24 14:38:00
作者: laal (艾维斯)   2016-03-27 09:55:00

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