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楼主: bboy0223 (Wen)   2024-08-30 08:29:07
缅甸罗兴亚人强制移居的7年, 目前约有50万名罗兴亚难民儿童生活在世界上最大的
大部分儿童都在难民营中出生, 以难民的身份长大, 营养、保健、饮用水卫生、教育等
UNICEF敦促在任何情况下儿童的安全都能得到保障, 并敦促国际社会合作, 确保人道主义
Seven years after the forced mass displacement of the Rohingya from Myanmar,
about half a million Rohingya refugee children are growing up in the world’s
largest refugee camp, with many of them born there as refugees. The refugee
community relies entirely on humanitarian assistance for all necessities such
as nutrition, health, clean water, sanitation, and education.
UNICEF calls on all parties to protect civilians, particularly children, and
ensure their safety and well-being. UNICEF also calls for safe and unimpeded
access to deliver humanitarian aid by all humanitarian actors.
@unicef @unicef_kr @unicefnextgen @unicef.eap

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