各位,12岁的少女Raneem在约旦Azraq难民营内的Makani centre协助绘制壁画.
"多样的颜色给我带来了安全感. 我爱颜色"她这样说.
UNICEF 为了4000名以上的孩童在Azraq成立了9个Makani centre.
Raneem, 12 years, helps paint the walls of her local Makani centre in Azraq
Refugee Camp. “The colours made me feel safe. I love them a lot.” UNICEF’s
child-friendly Makani(which translates as ‘My Space’) centres provide an
integrated set of services to children in the camp, including learning
support, community-based child protection, early childhood development,
adolescent and youth participation, life skills and innovation labs. In
Azraq, there are nine Makani centres serving over 4,000 children. We need to
focus! We need our attention! We need to take care of it!
(Matthew 22:39, John 21:15, John 13:34-35)
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