整理一下目前看到的消息@@ http://www.yes24.com/24/Goods/13704829?Acode=101 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Br7Z2zGCYAEBeMr.jpg:large 封面 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Br7Z3E4CYAEafZN.jpg:large 7/21发行的是'All About Super Junior "TREASURE WITHIN US" DVD PREVIEW' 如果我理解没错的话 这只有写真而已Orz PORTRAIT BOOK- Portrait, Profile, Q&A Interview/ 88P VARIETY BOOK - SUPER PLAYING; One day holiday SUPER COOKING; The Cooking Competition - with the food of Korea vs Japan vs Taiwan SUPER TALKING; healing talking / 110P HISTORY LEAFLET- Team profile/ 1P https://twitter.com/Oceanblue0209/status/486042444199243777 7/28发DVD的消息是推特上看到的 [INFO] Super Junior will be releasing a 378 mins long DVD "All about Super Junior" on 28 July. The DVD will include vid of SJ debut till now 这真是奇招..............Orz 总之今天好多消息来攻击我们的钱包了