Tom Hiddleston's Loki And Idris Elba's Heimdall Confirmed To Appear In
Avengers: Age Of Ultron
In an interview with the Telegraph, Elba let the detail slip out while
talking about a DJ set he had played in a Ibizia nightclub. Elba revealed
that the day before the DJ set he had just shot a scene for Avengers: Age of
Ultron. Elba said, "And I’m doing a scene with Chris Hemsworth [who plays
Thor] and Tom Hiddleston [Loki], and they’re like, [whispers] – ‘Aren’t
you [meant to be] in Ibiza?’"
之前有传出Loki不会在《复2》中出现,不过据饰演Asgard守门人Heimdall的Idris Elba
日前透露,他甫跟Chris Hemsworth以及Tom Hiddleston拍完一段《复2》的戏