※ 引述《kid8500 (彼得羊)》之铭言: : 刚看完HBO播复仇者联盟 : 在最后纽约大战结束后,新闻在访问民众对于复仇者们的看法时 : 在史担李出现那幕左下角的画面里 : 受访的民众好像是神盾局特工影集里的死亡战士Peterson耶 : 旁边还有他老婆,有人注意到吗? : 如果OP的话我再删文,谢谢 误会篇: http://ppt.cc/ywAP J. AUGUST RICHARDS CAMEO At the end of the movie, on the bottom left of the screen is an African American couple, with the male played by Richards. This teases his appearance on the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. television show. 本尊篇: http://tinyurl.com/ly657aw Dayton native lands role in ‘Avengers’ Stephens said that he is part of a montage after the major battle scene where people on the street are being interviewed to get their reactions. He is listed in the closing credits as “Celebration Montage Interviewee.” 感谢qn
刚刚发现IGN这篇写错了,那位演员不是J.August Richards,而是William Christopher Stephens,这里有他当时谈论演出复仇者的报导:http://tinyurl.com/ly657aw所以那个片段可能和Mike Peterson无关。不过乍看之下真的很像.....OTZ