: <食物篇二>
: 某次我带的便当里有颗皮蛋
: 由于皮蛋在国外 (尤其是乡下地方) 非常珍贵
: 我决定要留到最后才吃
: 好不容易解决完其他食物后,
: 我用手拿起那颗黑亮透明的皮蛋,正准备入口时…
: 同学B叫住了我…
: B: “Oh my god! Don't eat that! It's going to kill you!”
: 小百合: “what are you talking about? ”
: B: “That thing you are holding! It's rotten!”
: 小百合: “It's an egg. It's ok, it's supposed to be black”
: B: “No, it's not OK! It has weird thing growing all over it.
: You are going to get sick if you eat it.”
: 小百合: “No, you see, it's an egg!”
: B: “I don't care! If you eat that thing I am going to tell the teacher.”
: 最后在他的坚持下…
: 我只好把蛋收起来…
以前有个综艺节目叫fear factor
一边是活的大蟑螂(比姆指还大 我光看就差点哭出来) 一边是皮蛋
结果比赛三组有两组决定吃蟑螂 选择吃皮蛋那组吐到不行....