[同好][台北] Premium 英文演讲会

楼主: daniells (阿丰)   2022-10-14 15:32:54
交朋友 x 练英文 x 学习伙伴
想练习英文但没有同伴? 英文简报总是卡卡的? 想进外商但担心英文能力不够?
想要在欢乐无压力的环境下练英文? 那就星期一晚上来Premium看看,交个朋友吧!
在这里你可以得到 *全英文环境*主题演讲*即席演讲*量身订做讲评*
Toastmasters 是全世界最大的教育性非营利组织(会员人数超过30万)
Theme: Exercise
Question: Do you have regular exercise/sports? If yes, what exercise
do you do?
Date: Oct 17, 2022, Monday
Time: 19:10 -21:10
Location(Hybrid meeting):
Virtual meeting through (Zoom): https://reurl.cc/6ZoGqk
个人会议 ID 347 328 1232
会议密码 DivA2022
The Zoom meeting link will be open at 19:00.
Agenda: https://imgur.com/a/CEGQPaA
FB: https://www.facebook.com/Premiumtmclub
请简单准备个 15~20 秒的英文自我介绍喔 (讲什么都可以,名字、哪里工作/读书)
What is a Toastmasters club? 什么是Toastmasters club 国际英文演讲会?
We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are
empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in
greater self-confidence and personal growth
Our core values are: Happy / Friendship / Grow
1. 姓名:
2. Email:
3. 联系电话(option):
4. Line ID(option):

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Contact Us: admin [ a t ] ucptt.com