[精进] 北市英文口语表达读书会

楼主: lovesk03078 (薰儿)   2017-08-28 14:47:26
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1. 自介:
Hi I'm Kay, the founder of the English communication study group. All of us ar
e in different background ( teacher, engineer, project manager.....)
We want to find someone who want to improve English skill.
Can join our group at Saturday 17:00-19:00
Willing to share you opinions
Have open mind
3. 目标:
Can speak English more confidence and more fluent
4. 原因:
To improve and keep the sense of speaking English
5. 地点:
Da an MRT station, we will rent a place. Each time one person should pay 50-10
6. 时间:
Saturday 17:00-19:00
7. 方式:
Every week will have a host. Host can decide agendas and topic.
Host should put the topic in our group LINE
Each of us should prepare 10-15min presentation.
8. 范围:
No limit
9. 人数限制:
No one wants to come
Just the same as 方式
作者: Belieber   2017-08-29 09:50:00
I think it's no one "wants"to comeJust "the"same as
作者: NeverBaby (城市隐士)   2017-09-02 16:28:00
from different backgroundsimprove English skills / Have AN open mind

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