lostt (事不过三!)
2016-08-20 21:59:291. 自介:Page 2, Page 9
2. 对象:Page 13
3. 目标:Page 2
4. 原因:Page 16
5. 地点:Page 8
6. 时间:Page 8
7. 方式:Page 3, Page 5
8. 范围:Page 3
9. 人数限制:Page 8
10.解散条件:If only one left and too busy
11.运作规则:Page 6, Page 7
Extensive Reading Study Group
Brief introduction of ERSG:
This Extensive Reading Study Group (short to be ERSG hereinafter) is a new
English study group located at 东海中科 area.
ESRG is not only new but also experimental on it's proceeding way which aims
at improving English ability with the challenge of English ability
insufficiency and gap between Members. The effect of this experimental
proceeding way might be good or might be chaotic. We will find it out soon.
ERSG proceeding way will be explained as follows. The explanation might seem
long but the exact proceeding way is simple. I hope the long explanation won't
scare you away.
Explanation of Extension Reading and Echoing
As titled in this Study Group's name, first thing's first:
What's Extensive Reading?
http://tinyurl.com/kg5mlww 广读学英文 by 旋元佑