2016-07-20 22:25:59请想参加的伙伴请直接到meeting现场即可,不用事先报名。^_^
1. 自介:Bliss English Club is a wonderful and cool place running since 1997
where you can learn English, make friends and have fun.
2. 对象:People who are interested in English.
3. 目标:Using English to learn about the world.
4. 原因:Want to learn English, make friends and have fun~ :p
5. 地点:台北市民族西路33号4楼or5楼,圆山捷运站1号出口直走,
步行约3分钟, 民族西路与玉门街交叉口的白色建筑物.
(进入树乐集餐厅里, 现场会有指示在4楼还是5楼聚会)
6. 时间:Almost every Saturday 14:30~17:30
7. 方式:We speak English during meeting time.
(Of course, out of the meeting at dinner time, we speak Chinese)
A meeting could be any form that designed by the host: group
discussion, writing, watching movies, games, debate, personal
It's fun because we can always learn from others' expertise and
experiences during all kinds of meeting.
8. 范围:A topic could be any subject, from Astronomy, product innovation,
literature to art.
9. 人数限制:No
12.本周主题:<Bliss Meeting Notice> “ Cash Flow and Financial Planning by
Daniel Chen on 7/19”
My dear Blissers,
Where did our money go? Are you a person who lives from paycheck to paycheck?
Welcome to join us to learn the art of spending money from our knowledgeable
host, Daniel Chen this coming Saturday!!!
Introduction of the meeting:
Have you ever examined your way of spending money and successfully control
your cash flow? Let’s share the opinions and learn about how to be rich by
appropriate financial plan.
Meeting Agenda
2:30 ~2:45 self-introduction and warm-up
2:45~3:30 understanding what the cash flow means
3:30~4:00 activities
4:00~4:10 10 minutes break
4:10~4:55 understanding what the financial planning means
4:55~5:25 activities and back to the sweet home
Recap of “The Big Short II” By Archer on 7/16
Attendant: Archer, Annie, Ryan, Anita, Wendy, Vanessa, Ian, Clare, Serina
Meeting Photo:
New member:
The Big Short Part II…
The meeting proceeded smoothly as our efficient host, Archer, explicitly
applied the technical terms to our daily lives as follows.
Financial Policies
To achieve the overall stable and growing economy, the central bank in each
country will adopt financial policies like currency, interest rate or
exchange rate and so on. QE, one of the policies, has often carried out
although not every country couldactually succeed.
QE= Quantitative Easing
The central bank prints Quantitative money to ease the pressure of the banks
as well as of the deflation.
After 2008, Fed launched QE, printing money bills to buy long-term bonds in
the open market, the bidding prices of which were high but with lowest
interest rate. Thus, all the banks could maintain the original Housing Market
on the basis of low-interest house loan offer which the general public could
afford. Therefore, Fed avoided the deflation of US caused by the economic
tsunami of 2008, and accordingly continued practicing QE1, QE2, and QE3,
which did not seem to fade away.
US QE impacts
1. The world: As US$ has been the world reserved monetary, all the
Offering Price of world-wide commodity are based on US$. Too much US$ at the
lower and lower interest rates devalued US$, boosted the prices of commodity,
caused the global inflation and seriously revalued other currencies.
2. US itself: It successfully saved the US markets after 2008 and speeded
up the economic recovery and prosperity at little cost of devaluing US$.
Thank Archer and all the participants for the efforts and participation. As
each coin has two sides, we have to be alert about the impacts of any
policies like QE, fixed or floating exchange rate system to adjust our
investment portfolio.
1. 树乐集 Treellage Life Cafe
地址:台北市民族西路33号4楼,圆山捷运站 1号出口直走, 步行约3分钟, 民族西路与
玉门街交接口, 一栋白色建筑物. (进入树乐集餐厅里, 在柜台点餐时,请按旁边告示牌指
示, 走楼梯上4楼或 5楼)
2. 最低消费用: 每人下午茶费用, 约140左右.