[学友] [台北] 英文写作

楼主: bjk (Up2u)   2014-09-19 17:07:36
1. 自介:想练习英文写作的人,喜欢交流意见
2. 对象:想练习英文写作的人
5. 地点:facebook & 台北
9. 人数限制:10人

no copy paste ,
you should have your own opinion or how you feel.
not only summaries.


每完成三篇writing就可有一次free week(可累计)


【defer gratification】
i never went to a kindergarten when i was a child. i am not interesting in
sugar. gaming is a kind of marshmallow to me instead. i played games all day
long. only Mario with me,because neighbors in my age went to school.
i want to keep a habit recently. it is to watch a video to practice listening
when i get up everyday. when you stick to doing something good for five
minutes . it gives you a chance for another five minutes to keep it going.
because you are already in the mood and environment.
it is hard to make a decision to study for 30 minutes or longer in the
beginning . that`s why i chose five minutes as a duration. it is not bad to
doing something good in the begin of a day.
there is a trick to transfer the frame of mind. the children in the
experiment .the only thing they can do is to watch , hold , smell the
marshmallow. they stick into the marshmallow. it is full of their mind. we
don`t need to fall into a trap because there are a lot of interesting things
in the real world. trying to find them out and make it become a regular part
of your life.
it is a book teach you how to manage your Groceries.
at the begining , you have to think about your ideal life.
classify your groceries and step by step according to the class.
the author recommend that you can start with cloth, because it is the easiest
once you decide your ideal life. the only thing you have to do is to make
sure what is necessary in your life.
to keep the necessary things and throw away the others.
when you decide what is necessary, you hold it in your hand and feel it.
only keep the things touch your heart.
once you open your closet you will see all of the cloth is your favorite.
and feel happy!
i think it is impossible because u can`t carry a electricity generator on a
smart phone . smart phone is demand to be light and high performance . it is
totally conflict with a heavy electricity generator and it doesn't work after
sunset. on the other hand . apple always try to do something impossible .
good luck to them.
today, i would like to encourage you guys to think about a question.
in fact it is kind of serious.
an example for world cup of Taiwan version is 花博。
although i never been there. you still can read a lot of news in that period
of time. most of them are negative. such as the price of 空心菜. some of the
elementary school enforce their student write a comments about their trip to
there as a homework. the maintenance cost a lot every year.
the problem is do we really need that exhibition. is it good for us or only
make the Politicians fat. the government should think something meaningful ,
but not a flash of a spark. on the other hand citizen should consider what is
the most important , don`t be leaded by the Politicians . they produce
flowers but bear no fruits. sharpen your vigilance.
it is necessary to take back your garbage while you leave nature environment
. not only the mountain but everywhere including beach , park .
the nature enthusiast such as mountain climber , surfer. they won`t leave
trash in the nature. on the other hand , as the article said: due to
commercial , it attract a lot of people and cause the level go down quickly.
it is hard to force high moral standard to everyone.
the nature will reflect the same thing if human treat it badly (i.e.,
avalanche , poison water ) .
permit fees is the cost you buy the permission to go to the mountain.
it cost you about 4000 NT for permit fees to go to 玉山.
it reminds me a news about recycling recently. the life of Rag-picker is
getting harder and harder. the government want to cost down the pay of the
used paper and bottle . the earning of the underprivileged only equal to the
price of a lunch box a day. all of the profit are taken by the politician and
businessman .
you won`t be happy while surrounding by poor and tragedy even if you are
rich. that is why i don`t agree with some policy about contract to make rich
get richer .

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