ALEXB (浪漫晨風)
2014-09-17 01:32:528/29/2014 变题后最新 Verbal 机经 (含 CR, SC, RC)
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CR (逻辑推理) :
Biologists have long been concerned about the danger posed
to albatross populations from large fishing fleets, since
discarded fish from the fleets attract albatrosses, which
then are often killed by net cables and other fishing equipment.
This not only directly lowers adult populations but, in general,
also lowers populations of chicks being raised by adults.
However, studies have shown that in some cases the presence
of fishing fleets boosts the number of albatross chicks that
survive to the age when they can fly and find their own food.
Which of the following, if true, would most contribute to an
explanation of this state of affairs ?
A. Birds that prey on albatross chicks have an alternative
food source in the fish discarded by fishing fleets.
B. Some organizations have advocated that fishing fleets be
required to install equipment that minimizes their impact
on seabirds.
C. Conservation groups run albatross breeding programs in
several areas, including some where fishing fleets operate.
D. It takes about one year after hatching for albatross chicks
to develop the ability to fly.
E. Adult albatrosses typically return to the place they were
raised in order to breed and raise chicks.
Answer: A
SC (语法修词):
If elected, the position of councilor will either improve on
the candidate’s past performance or just enable her to be
more powerfully useful to the same special interests for which
she was previously an advocate.
A. elected, the position of councilor will either improve on
the candidate's
B. elected, the candidate as councilor will either improve her
C. the candidate is elected, her position as councilor will
either allow her to improve on her
D. she is elected councilor, the candidate will either improve her
E. the candidate is elected county councilor, the position will
either improve her
Answer: C if 引导的从句省略句,补全主语应该是“人”,position
不能be elected,其次improve on sth. 然后就能看出来了。
RC (阅读理解) demo :
According to the passage, De Leon believes which of the following
to be true of Houston's Mexican American community ?
Arnoldo De Leon’s study of the development of the Mexican American
community in Houston, Texas, is not only a chronicle of this
community's growth in the twentieth century, but also an examination
of the relationship between the preservation of a distinctive ethnic
culture and the process of assimilation to a new culture. In tracing
this relationship, De Leon expands his historical scope beyond the
themes of racism, oppression, and struggle that have been the
cornerstones of most earlier Chicano histories. While he acknowledges
the significance of these issues, he argues that this community's
ethnic identity was also deeply affected by twentieth-century urban
development, which brought about various changes in the community's
culture, ideology, and class structure. Rather than viewing the
Mexican American community as a separate entity with an independent
history, De Leon seeks to establish that the history of the
community was dynamically intertwined with the history of other
ethnic groups in Houston and with the larger social, economic,
political, and cultural patterns of United States history.
Two notions frame his revisionist work. First, he emphasizes
the importance of the middle class, in contrast to other historians
of Chicano culture, who have either ignored or repudiated it. De Leon
argues that an activist middle class in the Mexican American
generation of the 1930's and 1940's sought to persuade their
community to accept the ways of the host country and adopt a
Mexican American identity, but never at the expense of their
ethnic identity.
De Leon’s second notion is one of biculturalism.(1C)Identifying
a central crisis of ethnicity in the 1930's,he maintains that the urge
to adapt to the predominant culture vied with ethnic retrenchment as
residents in the Houston barrios sought effective ways of countering
the effects of racism and discrimination. De Leon convincingly depicts
acculturation as a response that always occurred, whether consciously
or not. But he shows, too, that retaining distinctive ethnic ties in
the community remained an attractive choice not only because it
provided a haven from racism and discrimination, but also because
it held the community together with a collective historical memory.
DL 研究 MA(Mexican American community)的发展,特别是种族特色文化的
是racism, oppression, struggle,DL研究的领域更宽一些。他认为20世纪的城
接受host country的方式但是要保留自己的民族特色。
attractive choice,不仅因为这样可以避免种族歧视,而且可以使得整个
社会存在可以有collective historical memory.
A. It showed effects of economic and social changes that took place
in the United States as a whole.
B. Its history was separate from that of other ethnic groups in
MA的历史是与其他ethnic groups分开的
C. It did not suffer a crisis of identity during the 1930's and
1940's as did other ethnic communities.
并没有像其他groups一样在1930’s 和1940’s期间遭遇identity危机
D. It was resistant to biculturalism. 抵制二元文化
E. It was controlled by the middle class. 由中层阶级控制
Answer: A