1. 自介:
http://www.ienglishclub.tw/ Log in to receive iEnglish Weekly ePaper!
2. 对象: Ones who are keen to learn English
Welcome to introduce yourself on iEnglish forum if you're a new comer!
3. 目标: Reading/Conversation/Presentation
4. 原因: Build an environment to sharpen English skills and make friends.
5. 地点: 五南文化广场台大店B1
台北市罗斯福路四段160号 B1 (捷运公馆站1号出口右转直行30公尺)
. 时间: Every Saturday Afternoon 14:30-17:30. The next gathering is on April. 26th.
7. 参加方式
No need to sign up, FREE entrace for newcomers 3 times!
See details here, http://www.ienglishclub.tw/joomla/en/about-ienglish.html
8. 范围:
Session 1: Any news or issues in Taiwan or around the world, you can print out your topic to gathering for duscission.
ex: BBC, NYTimes, TED, http://focustaiwan.tw/
Session 2:
20140426, OOPS! How Not to Embrass Yourself in a Foreign Country
9. 人数限制: No limitation.
10.解散条件: N/A
14:30-15:20 Session I: Current Events Discussion (Please shae news or any topic your care about this week.)
15:20-15:30 Feedback I
15:30-15:40 Regrouping & Break
15:40-16:00 Speech Session
16:00-16:50 Session II: Article Discussion (Please MUST read the article)
16:50-17:00 Feedback II
17:00-17:20 Closing (Welcome to have dinner with us!)
12. What's NEW in iEnglish Club?
a) Host/speaker openings: Please sign up!
b) April Outing, 20140427, 土城桐花公园赏桐&大尖山赏萤