这次满心欢喜地用双十一PChome24h满额折扣买了1TB BeeDrive, 结果一使用不得了,整夜开着笔电,试图备份手机照片,一早起来仍只备好26%。在官网发了ticket还没得到回馈,不知道有没有人也使用了BeeDrive,也是类似状况吗、还是备份备地又快又好&能随处备份?
Just started using my 1TB bee drive to backup my iPhone photos. I activated the backup and wait, before I went to bed, the backup process is at about 13%, and I went to bed and let it continued focused back up, and after I woke up and checked again, the backup process is at 26%(13.93GB used). How can the backup processes so slow, with SSD storage in the bee drive?!
And I have some questions about bee drive, because the information is not mentioned in the manual.
1. What’s the warranty term for my bee drive? Can I have my BeeDrive performance issue checked and fixed?
2. What should be the normal speed for the backup with beedrive, how to make it work faster?
3. How long can I use this BeeDrive? Can I expect it functions smoothly forever?
4. And, will my photos and data always safe and as original since the backup? Or should I migrate my backup again after some period?
※ 引述《a9202507 (先认真的就输了。)》之铭言:
: 新闻短连结如下:
: https://bit.ly/3PeyajS
: 个人理解不确定对不对,有错请指正。
: 把它想成一个1TB 的随身硬盘,只是它自带群晖的备份软件,而且会自动执行。
: 不知道这产品大家怎么看?对我来说吸引力是不高。