xxp (会飞的真好)
2016-11-17 11:39:54: → apharomeo : Seagate 2.5吋7mm 2TB ST2000LM007 就是SMR 11/12 01:50
: → apharomeo : 同样 Seagate 2.5吋7mm 1T ST1000LM035 也是SMR 11/12 01:51
: → xxp : No 依照原厂资料的话 这两颗一样是PMR 11/12 10:52
: → xxp : http://goo.gl/ve9E8o 只是密度更高达到1320Gb/in2 11/12 10:53
: → xxp : 完了 SG闹双胞 http://goo.gl/3EkpgS 这边又写SMR 11/12 10:56
: → apharomeo : 应该还是SMR,垂直记录的SMR,有点像文字游戏 11/12 14:16
: → apharomeo : 可参考这篇讨论 http://goo.gl/emJnkV 11/12 14:17
: → xxp : 那ST4000LM016那颗是不是PMR变得也无法确定了 11/12 14:35
: → xxp : 两者的写法是一样的 刚刚写信去给Seagate了 等候中 11/12 14:37
: → glen246 : http://tinyurl.com/h4us7s9 11/12 17:51
: → glen246 : 新版datasheet居然把SMR那项移除掉了,真奇怪 11/12 17:54
: → apharomeo : 有一种打迷糊仗的感觉,也许想搞换技术不换型号那招 11/12 19:49
Thank you for contacting Seagate Support.
The data sheet you linked to is an older one and not the current data sheet,
which does not mention it.
Recent updates to SMR technology has brought it to the point it functions
nearly identically to PMR so there is no functional difference in performance
anymore. Early versions of SMR did lag in performance behind PMR, but this
is no longer the case.
If you look at the old data sheet vs the new data sheet, you will notice the
data transfer rate changes from 100MB/s to 140MB/s, in line with standard PMR
(帮缩) http://goo.gl/3EkpgS (old)
(帮缩) http://tinyurl.com/h4u (new)
The product manual confirms the same data as the new data sheet.
(帮缩) http://goo.gl/59gTMJ (这份应该是最新的2016/9月版Manual)
As there is no functional difference, none of our internal listings for any
drive show whether they are SMR or PMR. It no longer makes a difference in
how the drive performs.
Mmm..虽然没有明讲 但也算是暧昧的间接承认是SMR了