CNBC report on tariffs:
- There will be a time delay of an unclear duration before they go into
effect (said April 1 was a possibility)
-This will be a "Presidential memorandum" not an executive order (which is
lower tier)
-The USTR will be tasked with identifying the next steps
-There will be some details in terms of exemptions, which CNBC called "slight"
-They're still "putting the final touches" on the memorandum
CNBC 报导关于关税的消息:
-在关税生效前会有一段时间延迟,确切时间不明(曾提到 4 月 1 日是可能的日期)。
-关于豁免部分会有一些细节,CNBC 称其为“轻微”的调整。