[创作] 滚动的筛子 歌曲赏析

楼主: hjgx (纯真打不赢奸巧)   2023-08-19 02:39:29
Tumbling Dice
这是摇滚老天团 The Rolling Stones 在1972年的大作
蓝调风加上精彩的男女和声 轮唱
最耐人寻味的歌词 在我反复阅读后 发现没有任何正确的中文分析
于是献丑一下~~ 【】刮号内是我的评析
开始【请开喇叭放音 超赞】:
Women think I'm tasty, but they're always tryin' to waste me
让我把蜡烛直接烧掉 【射X 的暗喻】
Make me burn the candle right down
但是,宝贝,宝贝,我的皇冠上不需要任何珠宝 【讲反话 赌徒最爱钱了】
But, baby, baby, don't need no jewels in my crown
因为你们女人都是卑鄙的赌徒 【股市就像赌场 大家赔钱时都会咒骂对手/主力吧?!】
'Cause all you women is low down gamblers
Cheatin' like I don't know how
宝贝,没有味道,现在在放克屋里发烧 【没有在怕】
Baby, got no flavor, fever in the funk house now
这个卑鄙的婊子让我可怜的脚痒痒的 【又在骂主力】
This low down bitchin' got my poor feet a itchin'
难道你不知道你知道恶魔仍然很疯狂吗 【duece指连续赢两次 也是恶魔】
Don't you know you know the duece is still wild
宝贝,我不能留下来,你必须滚我 【复歌/重点来了】
【承认自己好赌 就像一颗喜欢被滚动的骰子】
Baby, I can't stay, you got to roll me
抱怨荷官:你丢我,却说我爱滚? 荷官:是你叫我丢的啊?
窃听风云II 03:30 https://upload.cc/i1/2023/08/19/9O8uah.jpg
赌徒/股民虽然受尽欺负 还是不肯离场啊
唯一的中文赏析网页 https://is.gd/09249g
And call me the tumblin' dice
Always in a hurry, I never stop to worry
Don't you see the time flashin' by
Honey, got no money
我老是跑三点半又没好运 【这句典故很难的】
【想起自己当年三点半跟女同事借6万块 差点违约交割的糗事】
I'm all sixes and sevens and nines
Say now baby, I'm the rank outsider
You can be my partner in crime
Baby, I can't stay
You got to roll me and call me the tumblin'
Roll me and call me the tumblin' dice
Now baby
噢,我是孤独的垃圾射手 【冥灯】
Oh my, my, my, I'm the lone crap shooter
每晚都在球场上玩耍 【散户每天一直乱买乱卖 直到毕业】
Playin' the field ev'ry night
Baby, I can't stay
You got to roll me and call me the tumblin' dice (Call me the tumblin')
Got to roll me (ya yes), got to roll me, got to roll me (Oh yeah)
Got to roll me
Got to roll me (yeah)
Got to roll me (Keep on rolling)
Got to roll me (Keep on rolling)
Got to roll me (Keep on rolling)
Got to roll me
Call me the tumblin' dice, yeah
Got to roll me
Got to roll me
【我觉得这句哄女人的话是多余的 可能是后来加的
因为前面骂女人 怕得罪女听众或舆论 只好不明显的补了这句】
Baby sweet as sugar (Got to roll me)
Yeah, my, my, my yeah (Got to roll me)
Now now now now (Got to roll me)

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