ECZEMA (加油!)
2022-06-23 00:16:15原文标题:
First Short Bitcoin ETF to List on NYSE
第一支作空比特币 ETF 在纽约证交所上市
Jun 20, 2022 at 10:43 a.m. EDT
Updated Jun 21, 2022 at 4:15 p.m. EDT 美东时间
By Jamie Crawley
商品投资公司 Proshares 将能让美国客户以 ETF 形式作空比特币,上市代号 BITI,在纽约证交所周二上架。
Proshares 也是去年十月在比特币 $68000 时第一个上架作多比特币 ETF (BITO) 的公司
Proshares 四月送件作空比特币,同时间送件的 Direxion 仍未过件 。
多伦多交易所也买得到 Horizons 发行的作空比特币 ETF (代号也是 BITI, 买时注意是哪个交易所)
Investment product provider ProShares is set to list the U.S.'s first exchange-traded fund (ETF) allowing investors to bet against the price of bitcoin (BTC).
The ProShares Short Bitcoin Strategy (BITI), which is designed to deliver the inverse of bitcoin's performance, will start trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Tuesday, ProShares announced Monday.
The ETF will allow investors to hedge their bitcoin exposure, which may prove particularly pertinent given the sharp downturn in crypto markets of late.
ProShares was the first firm to list a bitcoin futures ETF in October, a factor which saw the world's largest crypto hit an all-time high of around $68,900 in the subsequent weeks. Bitcoin investors will be hoping the listing of a short bitcoin futures ETF does not have a similar effect on the world's largest crypto in reverse.
Bitcoin's price dropped below $20,000 for the first time since Dec. 20 on June 18, falling as low as $17,800 the following day.
ProShares applied to list BITI in early April, around the same time as leveraged ETF-provider Direxion filed to list a similar product. As yet there have been no updates on the status of Direxion's application.
A short bitcoin ETF is also already listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange by Horizons ETFs.
终于可以在合规交易所空 无用电子讯号了 不然 GBTC 都亏多少了…
以交易手续费作净获利来看,EPS 才不到 $7/BTC,支付的网络效应根本没出来还骗说是黄金没人用,
本梦比高达 2700 多倍,在加密币市场份额已跌落不到 45%,请自行判断。