switch (pura vita!)
2020-12-30 02:52:411.原文连结:
Loeb asked Intel to retain an investment advisor to evaluate strategic
alternatives, according to the letter. Third Point believes that Intel should
consider separating its chip design from its semiconductor fabrication plant
manufacturing operations, according to the sources. This could include a
joint venture in manufacturing, according to the sources.
Intel customers, such as Apple Inc, Microsoft Corp and Amazon.com Inc, are
developing their own in-house silicon solutions and sending those designs to
be manufactured in East Asia, Loeb wrote. He suggested Intel must offer new
solutions to retain these customers rather than have them send their
manufacturing away.
规模150亿美元,持有Intel约10亿美元部位的避险基金 Third Point LLC CEO Daniel Loeb 写信给 Intel Chairman Omar Ishrak,要求 Intel 聘雇投资顾问评估可能的策略性交易,以维持其在微处理器上的领导地位。例如将设计与制造部门切分开来,并提出新的解决方案以留住 Apple Microsoft Amazon 等大客户。消息传出后 Intel 一度大涨超过 5%,目前上涨约 4.x%。
Third Point 过去曾促使 Prudential, Dow Chemical 等公司寻求交易。Intel 的 IR 随后发表声明表示 Intel 欢迎投资人提出的意见,将会与 Third Point 联络以进行了解。