waitrop (嘴砲无双)
2020-10-15 03:53:31其实你站在民主党的立场想就知道了,
甚至继续让中国单方面的禁止外国企业(fb, google),
甚至还要制裁美国的大企业托斯拉法案(fb, google等),
※ 引述《pujos (lks)》之铭言:
: 10月初
: 众议院民主党提了个
: 2.2兆镁规模的纾困案
: 挟人多优势通过了
: 共和党的一个都没同意
: 同时反对这样大傻逼
: 后面提了个5000亿镁的纾困方案
: 后面川普政府
: 拉高到1.8兆,被佩洛西否了
: 我只能说这否的真他妈高招
: 把月初民主党的举动
: 死死钉在墙壁上
: 除非你饿到这笔纾困不下来马上要死了
: 否则
: 谁后面比较容易洒、会洒
: 其实很容易分辨的
: ※ 引述《Hatewoman (*真*仇女教主)》之铭言:
: : 1.原文连结:
: : https://reurl.cc/8nDQQg
: : 2.原文内容:
: : NO RELIEF Schumer says Pelosi is RIGHT to reject GOP stimulus plan putting $1,
: : 200 checks at risk as Trump says he’s open to deal
: : CHUCK Schumer said on Tuesday Nancy Pelosi was right to reject a White House s
: : timulus plan, even though it puts a second round of $1,200 checks in jeopardy.
: : Speaking on MSNBC, Senate Minority Leader Schumer backed the Speaker's decisio
: : n to dismiss the stimulus deal, saying, "Nancy is right to reject it."
: : "They are just playing a game," he added.
: : "They’re trying to say a higher number than they originally were without actu
: : ally changing any of the language."
: : Schumer's comments came after Host Chris Hayes said he was "deeply confused ab
: : out the status of things," with a tentative deal for $1.8trillion brokered by
: : Secretary of State Steven Mnuchin dismissed by Pelosi.
: : Hayes said: "The speaker was on CNN today, basically saying, like, no, it’s n
: : ot good enough, and that strikes people as a little nuts. If that were the dea
: : l, wouldn’t you all take it?”
: : However, Schumer said that the $1.8trillion is not ideal for "America's needs."
: : "The package that the House passed first - the $3.4trillion and then when they
: : came down and did the $2.2trillion - was designed at a bare minimum to meet A
: : merica’s needs.
: : "The $1.8 doesn’t, not just because it’s $1.8 but because the language in it
: : is far worse than what is in the $2.2 and just doesn’t meet America’s needs.
: : "It depends on what day it is to know where Trump is at and where the Republic
: : ans are at. Trump today now says go big, and the Republican Senate says go ver
: : ans are at. Trump today now says go big, and the Republican Senate says go ver
: : y little or not at all. How do you negotiate?"
: : The interview came after Pelosi had an uncomfortable interview on Tuesday on C
: : NN with host Wolf Blitzer pushing the Speaker over the holdup of the $1.8trill
: : ion package.
: : Pelosi slammed Blitzer as a "Republican apologist," claiming he had "no knowle
: : dge" of the details of such relief proposals.
: : The speaker said that she had pushed back against the Republican-proposed reli
: : ef package because child tax credits and earned income credits were "eliminate
: : d."
: : As the heated exchange continued, Blitzer asked, "Why not work out a deal with
: : [President Trump] and don’t let the perfect, as they say here in Washington,
: : be the enemy of the good?"
: : Pelosi responded: "Well I will not let the wrong be the enemy of the right
: : President Donald Trump on Friday offered a $1.8 trillion coronavirus relief pa
: : ckage in talks with Pelosi after urging his team on Twitter to "go big."
: : ckage in talks with Pelosi after urging his team on Twitter to "go big."
: : This was closer to Pelosi's $2.2 trillion proposal, however, the proposal was
: : dismissed by Pelosi as inadequate.
: : In a letter to Democratic colleagues, she explained that the proposal lacked a
: : "strategic plan to crush the virus."
: : "This proposal amounted to one step forward, two steps back," Pelosi wrote.
: : Congress passed $3trillion in coronavirus aid in the spring, including help fo
: : r the unemployed.
: : But both sides now believe that more aid is needed - despite the fact they can
: : 't come to an agreement.
: : On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the Republican-led U.S
: : . Senate would vote next week on a targeted $500 billion coronavirus economic
: : aid bill - the type Democrats already have rejected.
: : 3.心得/评论:
: : 自私的民主党
: : 得不到想要的就直接否决议案
: : 连1200美刀支票方案都打包否决
: : 这样玩政治
: : 总有一天会被民意反扑