gothmog (胖过头)
2020-07-11 09:16:29老规矩 最后有不负责任翻译
30% of Americans missed their housing payments in June
Published Tue, Jun 16 20204:50 PM EDT
As the United States continues to face record unemployment due to the coronaviru
s pandemic, 30% of Americans missed their housing payments in June, according to
a survey by Apartment List, an online rental platform.
That’s up from 24% who missed their payment just two months earlier in April an
d about on par with the 31% who missed payments in May. Renters, younger and low
er-income households and urban dwellers were the groups most likely to miss thei
r housing payments, Apartment List found.
At the same time that this “historically high” rate of Americans are missing t
heir housing payments, eviction protections put in place at the beginning of Cov
id-19′s spread in the U.S. are beginning to expire. Additionally, the current 3
0 million unemployed Americans will lose the extra $600 per week in federal unem
ployment benefits at the end of July.
Taken together, experts warn of a coming housing “apocalypse” unless the gover
nment intervenes. Some 37% of renters and 26% of homeowners are at least somewha
t worried that they will face eviction or foreclosure in the next six months, Ap
artment List reports. Columbia University researchers estimate that homelessness
could increase by between 40% and 45% this year over where it was in January 20
Some legal experts expect “at least” 50,000 eviction filings in New York City
alone when the state’s blanket eviction moratorium lifts June 20, most for nonp
ayment of rent. (A more restricted eviction ban is in place in the state until A
ugust 20.)
“In the current climate, with unemployment at record levels and with many unabl
e to pay rent for Covid-related reasons, neither housing court judges nor our la
wyers will be able to resolve many of these disputes, resulting in evictions, di
splacement, homelessness, senseless exposure to infection and more difficulty in
containing Covid-19,” writes The Right to Counsel NYC Coalition in a letter to
Lawrence K. Marks, Chief Administrative Judge at the New York State Unified Cou
rt System.
To prevent a homelessness crisis, governors could extend, or put into place for
the first time, universal eviction moratoriums for the duration of the coronavir
us crisis, advocates argue. Not only would this help keep people in their homes,
it would keep Covid-19 from spreading even more in the U.S., where at least 118
,000 people have died from the disease.
On the federal level, the House’s Emergency Rental Assistance and Rental Market
Stabilization Act would allocate $100 billion for emergency rental assistance,
which would help tenants around the country pay their rent and utility bills. Th
e HEROES Act, which was passed by the House in May but has so far stalled in the
Senate, includes an extension of the nationwide moratorium on eviction filings,
hearings and executions for 12 months.
These are needed responses to a coming crisis, Solomon Greene, a senior fellow i
n housing policy at the Urban Institute, previously told CNBC Make It.
“Housing instability has huge health consequences even when we’re not facing a
pandemic,” says Greene. “Exposure risk is so much more amplified and worsened
when you can’t shelter in place because you don’t have a place to shelter.”
线上租屋平台Apartment List的一项调查显示
(跟5月很接近 5月是31%)这还是在目前政府有补助的情况下
停止(新的补助方案都还在嘴砲阶段 还没过)
专家认为 美国今年无家可归现象可能比2019年
所以简单一句话 专家要政府赶快出来救命 并且恐吓无家可归的人会做出什么事 你自己想
除了要政府继续帮忙付租金之外 还希望尽快通过众议院于5月份通过的《英雄法案》,
这个法案厉害了,简单说就是法院判定的所有不付钱租客 本来需要被强制驱离 或是被处罚
金 现在会延长到1年后再说 不会马上执行
不过目前这个法案在参议院从5月躺到现在 还没有动的迹象