[请益] 群众体温监测方案/精准度 ?

楼主: tipsofwarren (tipsofwarren)   2020-02-06 11:56:44
个人经验, 对岸海关出境/入境配有 摄影机 (红外线吗? 不理解其技术)
如果有发觉偏高的, 就抓出来再用额温枪确认
本国入境: 印象中桃园机场也有这样的配备, 松山好像是一个一个用额温枪量.
因为老鲁手边有买一只 FLIR (买了一年了吧? 就去年法国圣母大教堂烧了之后,
研究一下就买, 目前只赚 6%, 持股 1/100)
Infrared Thermometers vs Thermal Imaging Cameras
Infrared thermometers are reliable and
very useful for single-spot temperature readings,
but, for scanning large areas,
it’s easy to miss critical parts like air leakages,
areas with insufficent insulation or water intrusion.
A FLIR thermal imaging camera can scan
entire buildings, heating and HVAC installations.
It never misses a potential problem area no matter how small this might be.
Find Problems Faster and Easier with Extreme Accuracy
It is easy to miss a critical building problem
if you are only using a spot IR thermometer.
A FLIR thermal imaging camera will give you
a total view of the situation and instant diagnostic insights.
It not only locates a construction problem in a building
but shows the full extent of problems.
FLIR technology detects high body temperature
A specialized piece of thermal imaging technology
created in the Portland metro area could help in the fight against Ebola.
所以想请问, 目前各机场用来监控人群体温的是用哪些方案?
(体温枪就不用提了, 手边的 OMRON 不是很准, 有时 35 有时 36.8)
搞不好以后地铁站/百货公司 入口专门一台用来量测体温 顺便用来抓犯人!

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