Re: [新闻] 中:将对售台武器的美国企业经济制裁

楼主: fatfree (keep perfecting)   2019-07-12 20:18:44
※ 引述《joseph841020 (杰瑟夫)》之铭言:
: 1.原文连结:
: 2.原文内容:
: 美国务院批准对台湾出售总值约22亿美元的军事武器。中共外交部发言人耿爽今天(12日
: )表示,美方向台湾出售武器严重违反国际法和国际关系基本准则,严重违反一个中国原
: 则和中美三个联合公报规定,损害中国主权和国家安全。为了维护国家利益,中方将对参
: 与此次售台武器的美国企业实施制裁。
: 3.心得/评论:
: 另类贸易战?
: 看来你华为484不想活了呀
: 我只知道 耿这次又不爽了XD
: 武器买起来 美国发大财
下面是今年3月更新的资料 跟美国购买军武的国家top 25
放眼望去大多是先进国家 包括舔中的新加坡跟韩国?!
25. Oman
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $842 million, 26.5 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: Not available
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): UK, USA, Norway
GDP per capita: $37,961
24. Mexico
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $899 million, 51.2 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $18 million, 69.2 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, France, Netherlands
GDP per capita: $17,331
23. Germany Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $1 billion, 65.1 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $2 million, 14.3 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): Not available
GDP per capita: $45,229
22. Kuwait
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $1.36 billion, 79.6 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $55 million, 62.5 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, Russia, Switzerland
GDP per capita: $65,531
21. Norway
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $1.38 billion, 40.8 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $346 million, 64.4 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, South Korea, Italy
GDP per capita: $64,800
20. Greece
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $1.40 billion, 35.4 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $59 million, 90.8 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): Germany, USA, France
GDP per capita: $24,574
19. Italy
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $1.81 billion, 55.5 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $241 million, 77.5 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, Germany, Israel
GDP per capita: $35,220
18. Morocco
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $2.05 billion, 45.2 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $333 million, 86.0 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, France, Italy
GDP per capita: $7,485
17. Canada
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $2.26 billion, 76.2 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $121 million, 56.3 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, Netherlands, Germany
GDP per capita: $44,018
16. Afghanistan
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $2.40 billion, 70.8 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $206 million, 85.8 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, Russia, Brazil
GDP per capita: $1,796
15. Pakistan
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $2.51 billion, 21.6 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $12 million, 1.5 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): China, USA, Russia
GDP per capita: $5,035
14. Qatar
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $2.63 billion, 68.3 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $423 million, 51.8 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, Germany, France
GDP per capita: $116,932
13. Egypt
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $2.84 billion, 27.9 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $197 million, 13.3 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): France, Russia, USA
GDP per capita: $10,551
12. Israel
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $2.91 billion, 69.6 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $480 million, 96.4 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, Germany, Italy
GDP per capita: $33,132
11. India
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $3.10 billion, 9.1 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $25 million, 1.6 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): Russia, Israel, USA
GDP per capita: $6,430
10. Taiwan
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $3.58 billion, 95.1 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $129 million, 100 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, Germany, Italy
GDP per capita: $00
9. United Kingdom
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $3.60 billion, 70.1 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $194 million, 36.4 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, South Korea, Germany
GDP per capita: $39,753
8. Turkey
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $3.82 billion, 45.8 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $293 million, 42.8 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, Spain, Italy
GDP per capita: $25,135
7. Singapore
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $3.97 billion, 49.8 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $56 million, 11.0 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, France, Spain
GDP per capita: $85,535
6. Japan
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $4.31 billion, 93.4 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $675 million, 97.0 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, UK, Sweden
GDP per capita: $39,002
5. Iraq
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $4.45 billion, 55.8 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $40 million, 6.7 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, Russia, South Korea
GDP per capita: $15,393
4. South Korea
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $7.40 billion, 66.7 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $612 million, 46.5 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, Germany, UK
GDP per capita: $35,938
3. UAE
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $7.60 billion, 63.7 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $799 million, 72.6 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, France, Turkey
GDP per capita: $67,293
2. Australia
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $8.09 billion, 66.4 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $918 million, 58.4 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, Spain, France
GDP per capita: $44,649
1. Saudi Arabia
Arms imports from US, 2008-2018: $13.72 billion, 59.6 percent of arms imports
Arms imports from US, 2018: $3.35 billion, 88.0 percent of arms imports
1st, 2nd, and 3rd largest suppliers (2014-2018): USA, UK, France
GDP per capita: $48,986
阿~长知识了 中国的军武都卖给非洲国家跟中东叛军
不过因为系统常坏掉 或武器设计有瑕疵
加上中国售后服务欠缺 也没提供什么训练 因此在国际的观感不好XD
“The global perception of the Chinese defense industry is less than adequate.
Some of the perceptions are due to malfunctioning systems or defective weapon
designs. Additionally, China lacks extra services, such as training and the
maintenance of equipment and arms. Some countries also lack political trust
in China.”
作者: HunterKiller   2019-07-12 21:22:00

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