好囉 大家不要再用嘴巴迁工厂和换国家买囉 来看点实际的吧
他是老板5-12月已经付给川普60K tariffs.
他知道有些人像是纺织类已经迁到越南等东南亚 因为中国本来就不是default 的产地
但是他的产业 中国是 go-to-guy
美国也有做一样的东西 但是美国厂商只会鸟巨型客户 不会鸟他这种3cm小咖
他也想过要迁厂 但是迁厂的成本太高
而且还要重新过认证 拿agreement
level 3
4 points
9 hours ago
From May - December 31, I'm estimating a 60k loss for my business from these
At this point I'm so bitter about it I want to keep ordering from China just
to avoid giving Trump what he wants.
I buy a $10 product and market value is $20.
Original duties were 2.5%, so $0.25 extra cost
Then trumps 10% kicked in, so $0.25 + $1 extra cost
Now they're 25%, so $0.25 + $2.5 extra cost
With trumps duties
Profit goes from $9.75 to $7.25, a loss of $2.5 from duties. That $60k is a
direct loss of profit. Loss to me, loss to my employees. No, I'm not cutting
paychecks, but it is less money to go around.
Yeah I can cut costs elsewhere, I can raise prices, but unless the market
also raises prices, it comes with a risk.
All those losses added together for the rest of the year look like they're
going to add up to $60k. I just placed a bunch of huge orders last month, so
that number is deceptively low. It would be more like $85k if I didnt do
re-orders just last month. Not what I needed right now.
The most frustrating part is that I didnt do anything. I'm not losing money
due to a bad business decision. I'm not losing money because a competitor is
kicking my ass and I need to step it up a notch.
In my space, China is the go-to.
American manufacturers dont want to deal with anyone who isnt huge. If you
arent some gigantic business ready to place million dollar orders (per
product), 95% of American manufacturers wont even respond to you.
Wholesalers, sure, but not manufacturers. Theres also the fact that if I went
American I'd be paying more for the product while saving on tariffs.
Its funny because for a gigantic company with loads of employees and
resources, even though it seems like itd be harder to switch, its actually
easier because you can delegate each little thing to someone. For me,
switching to another country would be hell. I'm not small enough for it to be
quick and easy, and I'm not big enough to delegate the task to 20 different