※ 引述《djviva (安身守份待时以动)》之铭言:
: : 推 aegis43210: 苹果主要的获利是服务收入,台厂没什么赚头 08/02 22:49
: : 嘘 m4vu0: 主要获利是服务收入? 有空多看点书 08/02 23:54
: : 推 OldGhost: 笑死 主要服务收入 不懂可以乖乖闭嘴 不然会被笑 08/03 08:29
: Share of Apple's revenue by product category from the first quarter of 2012
: to the third quarter of 2018
: https://www.statista.com/statistics/382260/segments-share-revenue-of-apple/
: 2012Q1到2018, 苹果的收益来源, 点进去可以看图之外
: 用光标游走可以看到每一个季度, 苹果各项收益来源占比
: https://imgur.com/MEspB6m.jpg
: 这是方便手机看文的简图
: 可以清楚看到, 2012至今, 唉凤的收益一直都占50%以上
: 服务收入这几年虽然年增, 但也只有不到20%的水准
: 结论:苹果的主要收入,是唉凤
找了一下苹果的资料 单位都是百万美元
Product Summary Units Revenue
iPhone (1) 46,677 $28,846
iPad (1) 10,326 4,831
Mac (1) 5,386 7,170
Services (2) 8,501
Other Products (1)(3) 3,231
Total Apple $52,579
(1) Includes deferrals and amortization of related software upgrade rights
and non-software services
(2) Includes revenue from Digital Content and Services, AppleCare, Apple Pay,
licensing and other services. Services
revenue in the fourth quarter of 2017 included a favorable one-time
adjustment of $640 million due to a change
in estimate based on the availability of additional supporting information.
(3) Includes sales of Apple TV, Apple Watch, Beats products, iPod touch and
Apple-branded and third-party accessories.
2017 哀凤占了营收一半以上
顺便看了一下 2017 苹果的资产负债表
总营收52,579 销售成本是 32,648, 获利 19,931
再扣掉营运成本 业外收入 税后盈余是 10,714
至于哪一项产品提供最多获利 只找到这一篇
Apple’s Services business is believed to be its most profitable division.
Although Apple doesn’t share margin data by company segment, analysts have
said over the years that its profit margin is as high as 60%.
In an interview with Fortune on Wednesday, GBH Insights analyst Daniel Ives
said he believes Apple’s Services business generates gross margins in the “
mid-50% range” and easily tops the iPhone’s margins. What’s more, he
believes there’s a “tailwind for margins” in Services that will only push
them higher in the next few years.
If we take Ives’ assumption, Services generated approximately $5 billion in
gross margin during the period. According to Ives, about 20% of Apple’s net
profit of $13.8 billion, or about $2.8 billion, can be attributed to Services.
提到苹果并没有提供 单项产品的毛利率
不过苹果服务 "据信" 是最赚钱的部门 分析师说毛利可高达 60%
在一次跟Fortune的访问中 分析师 Daniel Ives 提到
苹果服务的毛利是 50%中位数 毫无疑问的比哀凤的毛利来的高
苹果服务可以产生大概 50亿美元的销售净利
在苹果的 net income (净获利) 中大概是 20%