ECB Said to Build Taper Consensus as QE Decision Time Nears
The European Central Bank will probably gradually wind down bond purchases bef
ore the conclusion of quantitative easing, and may do so in steps of 10 billio
n euros ($11.2 billion) a month, according to euro-zone central-bank officials
An informal consensus has built among policy makers in the past month that ass
et buying will have to be tapered once a decision is taken to end the program,
the officials said, asking not to be identified because their deliberations a
re confidential. They didn’t exclude that QE could still be extended past the
current end-date of March 2017 at the full pace of 80 billion euros ($90 bill
ion) a month.
The Governing Council, which is holding an interim meeting on Tuesday before m
embers go to the International Monetary Fund in Washington, has just four poli
cy-setting sessions left until the currently scheduled expiry of QE. Since Sep
t. 3, when officials kept their stimulus package unchanged and left the questi
on unresolved of whether bond purchases will be extended, investors have been
left guessing on when and how the program will end.
要求不具名的官员的说法 可信度不知道有多高
欧股收盘后才发的新闻 所以没受到太大影响