※ 引述《DD77 ( 爱与责任 )》之铭言:
: 1.原文连结(必须检附):
: http://time.com/3550307/ukraine-moscow-clinch-deal-on-russian-gas-supply/
: 2.原文内容:
: “There is now no reason for people in Europe to stay cold this winter,” he
: said. Barroso added that he was “hopeful that the agreement can contribute
: to increase trust between Russia and Ukraine.”
巴肉所 表示:“这个冬天没道理要欧洲人忍受寒冷。”
: EU energy chief Guenther Oettinger said that “we can guarantee a security of
: supply over the winter,” not only for Ukraine but also for the EU nations
: closest to the region that stood to suffer should the gas standoff have
: worsened.
欧盟能源长 钢舍‧奥丁格 表示:“我们能保证这个冬天不仅是乌克兰,连同邻近区域
: A similar standoff in 2009 had caused serious disruptions in gas flowing from
: Russia into the EU and it was a prospect the bloc sought to avoid.
: The agreement long hinged on the question whether Ukraine was in a position
: to come up with the necessary cash to pay for the gas. “Yes, they are,” a
: confident Oettinger said. Oettinger said the $4.6 billion deal should extend
: through March.
奥丁格并表示这个总价46亿美金 (billion=10亿)的交易时间将会拉长到明年三月。
: “We can claim and pay for amounts that we need. That question has been
: totally settled,” said Yuriy Prodan, Ukrainian Minister for Energy. “There
: will be no problems.”
乌克兰能源部部长 尤里‧波丹表示:“我们有能力要求并支付我们所需的天然气
: Under the deal, Ukraine would pay for its outstanding debt by making a $1.45
: billion deposit without delay, and $1.65 billion by year’s end. The final
: sum of debt would be determined through arbitration.
: For new gas, Russia will only deliver after pre-payment and Ukraine intends
: to buy some $1.5 billion by the end of December.
: The EU said in a statement it had been “working intensively” with
: international institutions and Ukraine to secure funds to pay for gas
: delivery in the coming winter.
: “Unprecedented levels of EU aid will be disbursed in a timely manner,” it
: said.
: The deal only stretches through March and the difficulties of the talks were
: immediately evident when the Russians and Ukrainians started disagreeing on
: terms and prices of gas for next summer.
: Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart, Petro
: Poroshenko, agreed earlier this month on the broad outline of a deal, but
: financial issues, centering on payment guarantees for Moscow, had long bogged
: down talks.
俄罗斯总统 瓦拉迪米尔‧普丁 与乌克兰方面之相对人 胚辍‧剖若瑄扣 本月稍早
: But with each week, the need for a resolution becomes more pressing, since
: winter is fast approaching in Ukraine, where temperatures often sink below
: freezing for days.
: Russia cut off gas supplies to Ukraine in June after disputes over Russia’s
: annexation of Crimea in March. Ukraine since then has been relying on gas
: transfers from other European countries and its own reserves.
: 3.心得/评论(必需填写):
: 欧洲冬天松口气