izaly (诚实面对自己的窄版西装)
2013-11-01 11:32:26※ 引述《izaly (我喜欢卡五)》之铭言:
: 1. 标的:4401
: 2. 进场理由
: a.基本面:good
: b.技术面:very good
: c.筹码面:NA
: d.消息面:extremely good
: 3. 进场价格:91.9
: 4. 停损价格:NA
: my mistake, can't type Chinese.
: Even there is rumor said Lemonlulu will decrease their vendor supplier.
: Coz of too fast expansion and ends up with quality concern.
: But its sales amount still climb.
: 4401 is the nominated raw material supplier for Lemon. Please refer to annual
: financial report of 4401, you can see this is the best year of 4401.
: I foresee 4401 EPS of 2014 could be up to more than 6-7
: 6.5*20=130. maybe there will have some other surprise but we may not be able
: to know at this moment. that's why my target to be 150.
hello everyone~~~ still here with me?
my target will be lower to be 140. but i think there is room for
interval trading. i made mistake to chase 3706. is there anyone can
share suggestions?