: : Singapore Business Review http://0rz.tw/VLzJM
: : ▲Singapore is the 8th richest country in the world
: : Guess which other Western countries Singapore beat?
: : Net financial assets
: : per capita in EUR, 2011
: : year on year change ( % )
: : 1 Switzerland 138,062 欧元 0.6
: : 2 Japan 93,087 0.0
: : 3 USA 90,417 2.0
: : 4 Belgium 68,491 3.4
: : 5 Netherlands 61,315 3.9
: : 6 Taiwan 60,893★ 1.6
: : 7 Canada 59,913 -4.9
: : 8 Singapore 58,215 3.4
: : 9 United Kingdom 52,600 -1.3
: : 10 Israel 51,562 -5.4
: : 11 Denmark 49,220 5.7
: : 12 Italy 42,875 -5.3
: : 13 France 42,643 -2.7
: : 14 Sweden 42,104 -8.2
: : 15 Austria 40,648 -1.1
: : 16 Germany 38,521 1.5
: : 17 Australia 37,330 -7.5
: : 18 Ireland 25,461 10.2
: : 19 Portugal 19,572 -3.3
: : 20 Finland 19,105 -13.1
※ 引述《ENW (5j/ w94)》之铭言:
: 简单讲,上面数字是说【房地产】每人可以分到6万多欧元...
→ wnlee :【房价】平均给每个国民 07/08 17:44
嘘 jerebo :如果莫桑比克愿意【炒房】,也有机会成为资产超高国家 07/08 17:50
→ jerebo :不过就把全国总【房价】炒高,再平均给全国人民,有意义吗 07/08 17:50
financial assets 的定义 包不包括 房产
financial asset﹕
A financial claim on an asset that is usually documented by some type of
legal representation. Examples include bonds and shares of stock but【not】
tangible assets such as 【real estate】 or gold.
Investopedia explains 'Financial Asset' ﹕
【Unlike land and property】