[限免] Minion Masters - Zealous Inferno @Ste

楼主: suaveness (靜夏)   2020-03-06 09:52:06
【 游 戏 名 称 】:
Minion Masters - Zealous Inferno
【 介绍/商店连结 】:
Zealous Inferno is the Faction Box for starting or expanding your Empyrean facti
on collection. This is a great +300% value bundle of Empyrean cards, including t
he stalwart commander Caeleth Dawnhammer (Legendary!) and 2 exclusive Empyrean
Includes the new season card - Brother of the Burning Fist!
3x Caeleth Dawnhammer (Legendary)
5x Sun Burn (Supreme)
20x Banner Man
40x Brother of the Burning Fist
40x Legionnaires
5x Power Tokens (Get 5 extra random surprises)
1x exclusive Legendary Empyrean Avatar - Animated!
1x exclusive Legendary Empyrean Emote - Animated!
The Empyrean Army keeps the enemy on the defensive with a strong blend of tough
infantry and big minions to soak up damage. Take advantage of the Empyrean Army
keyword that boosts your cards for playing multiple Empyrean cards. Use your Cae
leth and Brother of the Burning Fist to lead your army and follow up with a grou
p of Legionnaires, then put down a Bannerman to protect your Minions, and lastly
, finish off with Sun Burn to send your army into a zealous rage!
With this Faction Box, you have the perfect kit to become an Empyrean Commander!
【 领 取 条 件 】:
【 附 注 】:
此为 Minion Masters 的DLC,需要有游戏本体才可以游玩(本题免费)
作者: scores (男儿当逆天!)   2020-03-06 13:17:00
这好玩 玩了一个多月才卸载
作者: tim20048991 (wst0420)   2020-03-06 17:19:00
作者: shinogi (shinogi)   2020-03-06 19:59:00
作者: kenny17   2020-03-06 21:41:00
作者: freeblizzard (What Have I Done?!)   2020-03-07 22:38:00
这游戏好玩 推推

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