o07608 (无良记者)
2018-05-29 23:26:17过了一个半月,刚刚终于把timeline赶到2077/10/22的进度啦~
之后我在想要先翻译"Great War"部分,还是直接从10/23接着翻译
正史:Fallout 1/2/3/New Vegas/4,以及所有衍生漫画
半正史:Fallout Tactics、Fallout Warfare、Official Fallout Game Guides
‧ The Sierra Army Depot A.I., Skynet, becomes self-aware.
Sierra Army Depot的AI天网,开始拥有自己的意识。
‧ RobCo Industries copyrights the Unified Operating System. This system
is used for operating the Robco terminals. The copyright is renewed for
each of the next two years.
‧ RobCo brings up plans to purchase REPCONN Aerospace, threatening a
hostile takeover otherwise.
‧ Red Menace is published by Vault-Tec Game Studios.
Vault-Tec游戏工作室发行Red Menace游戏。
‧ Modern Industrialist awards Ezra Parker an engraved pocket watch for
being selected in their Top 10 Up and Coming Venture Capital Managers
Modern Industrialist把Ezra Parker选入“十大冒险资本家”并送他一个令人印
‧ March 21: PVP experiments continue at West Tek with batch 10-011, in
the wake of successful tests of the virus on single-celled organisms.
Experiments on plant cells are postponed. The pan-immunity virion is
renamed Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV).
三月二十一号:West Tek在泛免疫病毒计画(PVP)实验中测试10-011号试剂,并在
‧ May 9: F.E.V. experiments continue at West Tek with batch 10-011, in
the wake of successful tests on flatworms; the flatworms exhibit
increase size and heightened resistance to viral contagions.
Experiments with insects have less success, and further experimentation
on insects is postponed by Major Barnett.
五月九号:West Tek在F.E.V.实验中继续测试10-011号试剂,并在扁虫上得到成
‧ May: Vault 112 seals two years early, for Stanislaus Braun's sadistic
五月:112避难所比其他避难所早两年关闭,这样Stanislaus Braun就能在里面尽
‧ June 30: F.E.V. experiments continue at West Tek with batch 10-011,
with white mice as subjects. Increased size, muscle density, and
Intelligence are noted.
六月三十号:West Tek在F.E.V.实验中继续测试10-011号试剂,受试的小白鼠在
‧ November 9: FEV experimentation (batch 10-011) on rabbits is concluded.
Increased size, Intelligence, and (this time) aggressiveness is noted.
Apparently, it was hard to determine whether the flatworms in the
previous experiments were angrier and more violent than normal. Frankly
, the researchers cannot be blamed for this.
‧ RobcOS v.85 is copyrighted.
RobcOS 85版取得授权。
‧ REPCONN Aerospace is bought out by RobCo Industries.
‧ January 3: A military team under the command of Colonel Spindel is sent
to the West Tek research facility to monitor the experiments in the
interest of national security, due to fears of international espionage.
Captain Roger Maxson (the grandfather of John Maxson, the High Elder of
the Brotherhood of Steel in 2161) is among the team personnel.
一月三号:一支由Spindel上校率领的军队来到West Tek研究设施监控研究进行,
因为上层怕他国间谍会渗透进来危害国安。Roger Maxson上尉(John Maxson的祖
‧ January 12: Splicing in several new gene sequences into their test
virus, dogs are injected with batch 11-101a at West Tek. Although
increased strength was noted, increased intelligence was not. Using
batch 11-011, experiments are conducted on raccoons. The same results
are noted, but the attempted escape of several infected raccoons causes
Major Barnett to terminate the escape... and the test subjects. Two
pairs of raccoons, however, are unaccounted for.
一月十二号:West Tek把几种新的基因结合进他们的病毒,制成11-101a试剂,并
o Note: Scott Campbell and Brian Freyermuth intended these
escaped raccoons to form an intelligent animal community
northwest of the Glow called the "Burrows". This location was
never implemented.
o 提醒:当时参与开发Fallout的Scott Campbell和Brian Freyermuth认为
‧ January: The United States annexation of Canada is complete. Canadian
protesters and rioters are shot on sight, and the Alaskan Pipeline
swarms with American military units. Pictures of atrocities make their
way to the United States, causing further unrest and protests.
‧ February: The M42 "Fat Man" Launcher begins development at Fort Strong.
二月:美军在Fort Strong开始研发M42“胖子”导弹发射器
‧ April 15: Once all secondary tests and studies are done on the test
subjects, all dogs from the batch 11-101a Forced Evolutionary Virus
(FEV) tests at West Tek are terminated... from a safe distance.
‧ May 24: Protectrons that were missing all their limbs were delivered to
Robotics Disposal Site East 09B.
五月二十四号:失去四肢的保护机器人被送到Robotics Disposal东09B站。
‧ June: Power armor T-51b series development is completed, resulting in
the first mass-produced T-51 power armor. The first power armor units
are sent to China, where they perform flawlessly against Chinese forces
. Enemy tanks and infantry are no match for the power armor and
sometimes they even surrender to the advancing forces when they realize
what they are against. As a result, the Chinese war effort begins to
collapse, its resources and supply lines strained to the breaking
‧ June 10: Eyebots that were missing their vision sensors were delivered
to Robotics Disposal Site East 09B.
六月十号:失去视觉感应器的眼球机器人被送到Robotics Disposal东09B站。
‧ July: Flotation Homes and Seaweed is published by Vault-Tec Industries.
七月:Vault-Tec出版Flotation Homes and Seaweed。
‧ August: Food and energy riots begin in major cities throughout the
United States. Military units begin to be deployed in cities within the
United States to contain rioters, and many temporary prisons are
constructed. A state of emergency is declared, and martial law soon
‧ August: Hermes XIII and XIV are completed, loaded with cargo and placed
on the Bloomfield launch platform, awaiting the final funding, and the
okay to launch.
‧ October: Production of B.O.M.B. nuclear missiles is put on hold due to
budget cuts. The Reservation is put on reserve.
‧ October: Due to the seriousness of world events and the threat of
nuclear war, Hermes' launch is postponed while funds are routed to
vault technology. Launch is rescheduled for 2077.
‧ October 2: John Miller – proprietor of Big John's Salvage – was
finished sealing the cracks and clamping the pipes in the shelter he
was building on his property.
十月二号:John Miller,Big John's Salvage的所有人,终于把他自己花钱盖
‧ October 4: At West Tek, fifteen chimpanzees are infected with batch
11-111. The most successful test to date, growth and immunities in the
chimpanzees surpass all other subjects to date. The military
practically drools over the results. Plans are made in secret to begin
testing in small quarantine towns in North America, and the Mariposa
Military Base construction is sped up in anticipation of moving the
West Tek project to a location under military supervision.
十月四号:West Tek对15只黑猩猩施打11-111试剂,该次对黑猩猩的试验比以前
立的小镇进行试验。马里波萨军事基地开始加速建造,以能把West Tek的这项研
‧ November: Enclave personnel seize control of Bloomfield Space Center
and begin researching and developing a way to convert Hermes XIII and
14 into a personnel transports to transport important individuals
‧ September 5: John Miller – proprietor of Big John's Salvage – was
finished installing the ventilation in his shelter, however he was
continuing to have issues with the generator. It kept shutting off for
no obvious reason, and whenever the generator shut off the ventilation
fans would stop and effectively vacuum seal the shelter.
九月五号:John Miller,Big John's Salvage的所有人,终于在他的避难所装了
‧ November 16: Twelve Protectrons that were missing all their limbs were
delivered to Robotics Disposal Site East 09B.
十一月十六号:12个失去四肢的保护机器人被送到Robotics Disposal东09B站。
‧ November 28th: John Miller – proprietor of Big John's Salvage –
believed that he fixed the generator/ventilation issues, and all the
supplies are stocked and ready.
十一月二十八号:John Miller,Big John's Salvage的所有人,觉得他搞定反应
‧ December: Fifteenth edition of Coping With Mr. Virus! is published by
十二月:Vault-Tec出版《Coping With Mr. Virus!》第十五版。
‧ Gas prices sky rocket with the regular gas price being $7450.99 per
gallon and $8500.99 per gallon for premium.
‧ The United States Army commissions General Atomics International to
manufacture the Mister Gutsy line of combat robots. The Mister Gutsy
line is completed just before the Great War and are released for use.
‧ Robert House puts himself in stasis.
Robert House使自己进入静滞状态。
‧ A Chinese sabotage attempt takes place at Hoover Dam.
‧ New Plague hits Denver. Rioters burned down large parts of the city in
their fear of contamination and anger at their treatment. Many panicked
and fled the city by car, clogging the freeways when they ran out of
gas and trapping everyone behind them.
‧ January 7: Major Barnett orders transfer of all Forced Evolutionary
Virus (FEV) research to the newly-constructed Mariposa Military Base,
despite objections by the research team.
‧ January 10: Alaska is reclaimed, and the Anchorage Front Line is again
held by the Americans.
‧ January 22: The first domestic use of power armor within the United
States for crowd and quarantine control. Units originally serving in
China and the Anchorage Front Line find themselves fighting Americans
at home. Food riots increase, and many civilians are killed. Several
soldiers defect from the military both in Canada and the United States.
They are captured, and are sent to military prisons.
‧ January 28: At 4:32 PM, an All Clear is sounded at Anchorage and DEFCON
is lowered to 3.
‧ February: F.E.V. Research is leaked to the world through an unknown
source. Protests in many major cities and governments around the world,
as well as accusations that the U.S. was responsible for the New Plague
. F.E.V. is seen as the threat, and serves only to fuel tensions. The
governments of the world fear what the U.S. is up to. Speculating
anything from trying to make a breed of super soldier, to trying to
make Hitler's master race, they begin to panic.
‧ February 16: The testing of the Archimedes I weapons system was
successful. However, despite precautions being taken, several minor
systems were overloaded. Furthermore, both the Black Mountain
communications array and the Hidden Valley military bunkers experienced
system frying power fluctuations at the time of the testing. However
the Archimedes II testing was pending the long-range
communication/targeting system on the Euclid's C-Finder.
‧ February 22: The Army takes control of the HELIOS One installation in
Nevada from Poseidon holdings. Full use of the laser artillery enters
the American arsenal.
‧ March: Prepared for a nuclear or biological attack from China, the
President and the Enclave retreat to Control station Enclave and make
contingency plans for continuing the war.
‧ March: Vault Dweller's Survival Guide is published by Vault-Tec.
‧ March 14: Twenty seven defective Mister Handys are delivered to
Robotics Disposal Site East 09B.
三月十四号:27台有瑕疵的巧手先生被送到Robotics Disposal东09B站。
‧ April 2: John-Caleb Bradberton undergoes the LEAP-X program procedure,
preserving his head in a jar beneath his office at Nuka-World.
四月二号:John-Caleb Bradberton接受LEAP-X治疗程序,把自己的投保存在
‧ May 24: Nine protectrons that were missing all their limbs were
delivered to Robotics Disposal Site East 09B.
五月二十四号:9台失去四肢的保护机器人被送到Robotics Disposal东09B站。
‧ June 8: Fourteen Eyebots missing their vision sensors were delivered to
Robotics Disposal Site East 09B.
六月八号:14台失去视觉感应器的眼球机器人被送到Robotics Disposal东09B站
‧ June 15: Eight Robobrains whose mental acuity was well blow standard
were delivered to Robotics Disposal Site East 09B.
六月十五号:8台心智水准低于标准的生化机器人送到Robotics Disposal东09B站
‧ June 22: Several decommissioned sentry bots were delivered to Robotics
Disposal Site East 09B.
六月二十二号:数台退役的哨卫机器人被送到Robotics Disposal东09B站。
‧ July: Between July 10 and October 23: Sierra Army Depot is evacuated.
七月:七月十号到十月二十三号之间:人员撤离Sierra Army Depot。
‧ July 22: Four decommissioned Sentry bots were delivered to Robotics
Disposal Site East 09B.
七月二十二号:四台退役的哨卫机器人被送到Robotics Disposal东09B站。
‧ August: Sometime prior to August 15, General Constantine Chase, the
hero of the Anchorage Reclamation, begins testing a virtual reality
simulation of the Reclamation at the V.S.S. Facility in Washington,
‧ September: The M42 "Fat Man" Launcher is perfected and shipped out of
Fort Strong to "the supply yard in Mississippi."
九月:M42“胖子”核弹发射器实用化,并从Fort Strong透过船运到“密西西比
‧ September: The September Meeting of the Freedom Society came to order.
At it they 1) voted to amend its charter to emphasize historic
preservation as primary mission over charitable activities. The motion
is carried, 9-2-3. 2) Considered the merchants' proposal for
Protectrons to secure the Faneuil Hall Marketplace. Objections were
raised on historic preservation grounds and the motion failed
unanimously, 0-14. 3) Considered the motion to file suit against new
owners of Old Corner Bookstore due to violations of historic
preservation charter. The motion carried unanimously, 14-0.
九月:Freedom Society举办九月会议,会议中投票决定三件事情:
(3)以14-0票数,无异议通过对Old Corner Bookstore的新所有人提起诉讼,因为
‧ September 6: Technicians at the V.S.S. Facility notice General Chase is
making radical, unrealistic changes to the Anchorage simulation. They
believe Chase is becoming obsessed with the simulation and is gradually
going insane, but refrain from confronting him out of fear that they
will lose their jobs to military contractors.
‧ September 9: Fifteen Protectrons that were missing all their limbs were
delivered to Robotics Disposal Site East 09B.
九月九号:15台失去四肢的保护机器人被送到Robotics Disposal东09B站。
‧ September 13: Employees of Robotics Disposal Site East 09B discovered
their colleagues at other facilities also received shipments of
Protectrons missing their limbs.
九月十三号:Robotics Disposal东09B站的员工发现他们位于其他设施的同僚也
‧ September 13: Lester, an employee at the Mass Fusion containment shed,
died after tripping behind the forklift as it was reversing. In
response corporate forced the facility to post a multitude of work
safety posters.
九月十三号:Mass Fusion containment shed的员工Lester在倒车中的叉架起货
‧ On September 29: Martin Reid begins uncovering that not all was right
with his employers, spotting several odd shipments to the vaults under
their regional purview; the first of these was fifteen cases of psycho
and jet to Vault 95.
九月二十九号:Martin Reid发现他的老板有问题。Vault-Tec运用他们在当地的
‧ October 2: The manager of the regional Vault-Tec headquarters, Frank
Davidson, brushes off his coworkers concerns.
十月二号:Vault-Tec地区总部的经理Frank Davedson对同僚的警告置之不理。
‧ October 2-8: The weekly meeting of the Faneuil Hall merchants' came to
the conclusion that their sales were down three percent relative to
last October 2-8, 2076. The meeting focused on a perceived shoplifting
"crisis." They then discussed Fallon's proposal for Protectrons and the
Freedom Society's objections to it. The Freedom Society issued a veto
on historic preservation grounds. At the conclusion of the meeting the
merchants unanimously agreed to detailed inventory tracking to assess
the scope of the problem.
以及Freedom Society的回绝,Freedom Society以历史保存之名否决了提案。会
‧ October 4: A supervisor at the Mass Fusion containment shed put their
innermost feelings to record about their coworkers and occupation.
十月四号:一名Mass Fusion containment shed的监督把对于同僚和工作的心底
‧ October 7: Walter Scott opens a shipment marked "Vault 111 - DO NOT
OPEN." To his and his colleague Martin Reid's perplexion, it was
hundreds of gallons of liquid nitrogen, something that the vault
wouldn't normally need, and more evidence that Mr. Reid's theory was
十月七号:Walter Scott开了一个写着“111避难所-不准打开”的货柜。让他和
他同事Martin Reid困惑的是,里面是数百加仑的液态氮,一般避难所根本用不到
‧ October 9-15: The weekly meeting of the Faneuil Hall merchants'
assembled. They came to the realization that despite sales being up by
eleven percent due to the Columbus Day holiday. The merchant's
inventory report showed net losses of $2,294 for the week, with twelve
confirmed shoplifting incidents. Several merchants threatened to sue
for breach of contract over security issues, and the Fallon's prepared
to withdraw immediately. With the pressure building the Mayor insisted
that the Protectron installation will proceed despite objections. By
this time the Society – whose representatives shrank from fourteen to
eleven – also had to allocate funds for roof repairs.
。此时的Freedom Society─代表人数从14人减少到11人─也必须要寻求资金以维
‧ October 10: Captain Roger Maxson and his men discover that the
scientists at Mariposa have been using "military volunteers" (military
prisoners who didn't have their brains scooped for use in robobrains)
as test subjects in their experiments. Morale in the base breaks down,
and in light of the mental breakdown of Colonel Robert Spindel
stationed at the base, Maxson's men turn to him for leadership.
十月十号:Roger Maxson上尉和他的部队发现马里波萨的科学家在用“军事志愿
‧ October 13: After an interrogation, Maxson executes Robert Anderson,
the chief scientist at Mariposa.
十月十三号:在训问过后,Maxson处决马里波萨的首席科学家Robert Anderson。
‧ October 13: Sharon accidentally spills coffee on her boss, Frank
Davidson's new shirt, prompting his desire to stab her in the throat
with his pen.
十月十三号:Sharon不小心把咖啡洒到她的老板Frank Davidson的新衬衫上,让
‧ October 15: Colonel Spindel commits suicide.
‧ October 15: Robotics Disposal Site East 09B receives a mysterious
delivery by even more mysterious men in black.
十月十五号:Robotics Disposal东09B站收到一个神祕的货物,送来的是一群一
‧ October 15: Walter Scott warns Martin Reid about getting Frank
Davidson's violent temper.
十月十五号:Walter Scott警告Martin Reid小心Frank Davidson的暴躁情绪。
‧ October 16-22: The weekly meeting of the Faneuil Hall merchants'
assembled for the final time. After the installation and activation of
the Protectrons the Hall experienced what could only be described as a
massacre. The Protectrons killed seven people, including five alleged
shoplifters, one bystander, and the Fallon's cashier. A public
relations nightmare followed, sales dropped eighty-one percent. To
avoid further media scrutiny the Freedom Society cancelled further
weekly merchant's meetings.
使他们的获利减少了81%。Freedom Society为了避免媒体进一步的监督而取消了
‧ October 18: Scientist executions at the Mariposa come to an end.
‧ October 19: Frank Davidson murders Sharon and expresses that he has the
same desire to "discipline" Martin Reid for continually bringing up his
vault theory.
十月十九号:Frank Davidson谋杀了Sharon,并打算对Martin Rein做相同的事以
‧ October 20: Captain Roger Maxson, now in control of Mariposa, declares
himself to be in full desertion from the army (via radio)... and
receives no reply.
十月二十号:Roger Maxson上尉现在控制了马里波萨,并透过广播宣告脱离军队
‧ October 20: Employees of Robotics Disposal Site East 09B discus the
prospect of losing their careers if they look into their last recorded
十月二十号:Robotics Disposal东09B站的员工讨论如果他们调查最后一件货物
‧ October 21: Maxson orders all families stationed outside the base moved
inside the Mariposa facility.
‧ October 22: The Platinum Chip is processed. It is due to be delivered
via courier to Mr. House the next day.
‧ October 22: Martin Reid, completely disgusted with his boss Frank
Davidson and his company Vault-Tec Corporation turned in his two week
十月二十二号:在两个礼拜的调查后,Martin Reid对他的老板Frank Davidson及
‧ October 22: A hazardous material inspector stopped in to the Mass
Fusion containment shed unannounced to check their operation. The
supervisor informed their direct superior, Mr. Feld, who told the
supervisor that if he caught on to their conspiracy they needed to kill
him. He did, and they attempted to kill the inspector and stuffed him
into the pipe they were using to dispose of the nuclear waste into Lake
十月二十二号:一名危险物质调查员私下进入Mass Fusion containment shed以