colinh (ColinH)
2017-12-06 20:38:01※ 引述《letni (浮游天眼炮)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《stupigII (有遗憾,也不要有后悔)》之铭言:
: : 刚才看了一下HUMBLE 有一包35镁的,是每天会开一个游戏,有个疑问
: : 这包是35镁固定不变还是会每天依卖出的包数,然后增加金额??
: : PS.另外想问,HUMBLE的月包上一篇有谈到,也有看到内容满不错的
: : 但是我不太想一次订一年,能只买下个月的月包吗??
: steamcn 有这一包的剧透
: https://steamcn.com/t335272-1-1
: 看了以后 觉得这一包真的是 慈善包
: 真心做慈善就应该买 哈 ~
上面连结里面第一篇附的网页截图比较完整 文字有一些内容物没列出来
Humble Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017 leaks
Game Ratings Cards Bundled 订价
Rust 80% of 159,574 有 3 $19.99
Dungeon of the Endless™ 90% of 5,815 有 0 $11.99
☠ Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut 84% of 416 - 10 $9.99
Garry's Mod 95% of 253,535 有 3 $9.99
☠ Defend Your Life: TD 83% of 460 有 1 $4.99
Gunpoint 97% of 7,585 有 4 $9.99
Teslagrad 88% of 827 有 4 $9.99
ReThink 87% of 24 - 0 $9.99
Dreaming Sarah 92% of 996 有 8 $5.99
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare 84% of 39,480 有 4 $24.99
Blockstorm 79% of 2,892 有 3 $4.99
Ancient Planet Tower Defense 78% of 147 有 0 $4.99
Gangs of Space - Yogscast
Jingle Jam 2017 (DLC) No user reviews - ? $9.99
Idle Champions of the
Forgotten Realms - Celeste's
Starter Pack (DLC) No user reviews - 0 $19.99
Crusaders of the Lost Idols
- Elite Starter Pack (DLC) 83% of 6 本体有 0 $19.99
Scanner Sombre 87% of 435 - 1 $9.99
NASCAR Heat 2 - October
Jumbo Expansion (DLC) No user reviews - 0 $9.99
Train Valley 90% of 909 有 1 $9.99
Headlander 90% of 345 有 1 $19.99
LostWinds 86% of 111 有 0 $9.99
Distrust 80% of 472 有 0 $11.99
Scrap Garden 77% of 77 有 1 $9.99
Chainsaw Warrior 67% of 170 有 3 $4.99
Tales from Candlekeep:
Tomb of Annihilation 82% of 455 有 0 $15.99
Team Racing League 91% of 12 有 0 $9.99
Gurgamoth 81% of 37 有 1 $4.99
Painters Guild 64% of 227 - 0 $9.99
War for the Overworld -
Yogscast Worker Skin
(Charity DLC) 本体有 0 $0
Chime Sharp 80% of 25 有 1 $9.99
Robocraft 72% of 104,050 有 1 $0
Toy Odyssey: The Lost and
Found 69% of 114 有 1 $14.99
Back to Bed 78% of 169 有 7 $5.99
Tiltagon 96% of 26 有 0 $2.99
On Rusty Trails 89% of 75 有 0 $12.99
Mimic Arena 71% of 7 - 2 $7.99
Spectrum 100% of 19 有 2 $4.99
Bezier 90% of 30 - 0 $9.99
Bomb Defense 80% of 5 - 2 $7.99
FreeCell Quest 81% of 142 有 0 $9.99
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Collector's Edition 79% of 167 - 1 $14.99
Mirage: Arcane Warfare 66% of 420 有 0 $9.99
Offensive Combat: Redux! 78% of 55 有 0 $9.99
All-Star Fruit Racing -
Yogscast Exclusive DLC No user reviews - 0 $1.99
Battle Riders 72% of 22 - 0 $4.99
Cosmonautica 53% of 757 有 1 $9.99
The Fall 88% of 2,222 有 3 $9.99
Master Spy 78% of 131 有 0 $9.99
Lion Quest 85% of 13 有 3 $11.99
Figment - Soundtrack (DLC) No user reviews 本体有 0 $7.99
ClusterPuck 99 77% of 63 - 3 $9.99
Chronology 89% of 97 有 6 $4.99
☠ Deep Dungeons of Doom 91% of 170 有 7 $4.99
Wasted Pizza 60% of 5 - 0 $4.99
F.E.X (Forced Evolution
Experiment) No user reviews - 0 $9.99
Intelligent Design: An
Evolutionary Sandbox 57% of 63 - 1 $6.99
SuperLuminauts No user reviews - 0 $9.99
Sanctum 2 93% of 6,273 有 2 $14.99
☠ Zero Reflex :
Black Eye Edition 74% of 58 - 2 $3.99
Psychonauts 96% of 4,044 有 8 $9.99
Auto Age: Standoff 77% of 18 有 0 $9.99
Filthy, Stinking, Orcs! No user reviews - 0 $13.99
Cities: Skylines - Snowfall
(DLC) 57% of 467 本体有 0 $12.99
☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.
Golgotha Run, a Dark Future Novel
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Item: Zaladrin Ghalklad(Dwarf Helmet DLC)
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Beta access
Guardians of Ember - Iron Spine Costume DLC
Blade & Soul Giveaway Pack
Guild Wars 2 Heroic Edition
25% Off Voucher for Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire
Star Trek Online TOS Enterprise Bridge Officers Pack
Neverwinter Feywild Starter Pack
Awesomenauts Yogscast Pack
Battlerite DLC: YogYog Bear Mount