yjw691 (C.W.)
2017-08-13 20:12:19来源:http://blog.scssoft.com/2017/08/bella-italia.html (内有图片)
Bella Italia
We are proud to announce the "Euro Truck Simulator 2: Italia" map expansion. Our ETS2 map design team is working on it with maximum effort, and we are looking forward to bringing you our rendition of beautiful Italy with its rich history and modern industry.
You are most likely aware that the game already contains several cities from northern Italy. These areas of the game world will receive an extra layer of polish to coincide with the DLC release so even players who decide to wait with the purchase of the new DLC will benefit from a partial upgrade of the game map.
Our map designers have fallen in love with the new region right from the research stages - there are so many diverse environments to combine! From tall mountains to the shores of the seas, from manicured farmland to wilder and more arid places, it was clear that we are looking at quite a challenging and demanding task. We tried our best to depict the typical features of Italy from behind the wheel, like roads leading through the Apennines, where tunnels and bridges alternate with scenic vistas and curvy
segments, opening the view to distant horizons. The geography and shape of Italy have also led to a relatively high concentration of cities and industries in the new DLC.
If everything goes according to the plan, we expect to release this latest Euro Truck Simulator 2 map expansion towards the end of this year. We hope that you will be as excited about our work as we are, and appreciate our efforts to show Italy for what it is: Bella Italia!
makikawai (makikawai)
2017-08-13 20:20:00希望推出的时候Viva la France 能给个3折?
qu3899 (角勾)
2017-08-13 20:41:00应该是欧卡本体有一部分的北义,之后DLC会连这部分地区一起更新
作者: as222as222a (W9450Kk) 2017-08-13 20:55:00
北义已有的部分会进行对应于DLC的更新他的意思是这样 DLC应该是整只靴子吧 石头就不知道了
andyeva (轻微胖)
2017-08-13 21:33:00酷!! 是该收了
作者: godtnmai (LiN) 2017-08-13 23:10:00
国外网友有人透露是有含西西里岛 可以期待一下接下来我觉得应该就是伊比利半岛(西班牙)或巴尔干半岛比较有可能 白俄罗斯以东应该不太可能 还有一些东欧国家还没接上除非一起出
blackwind910 (風玄的æŸå€‹è¦ªæˆšä¹Ÿå«é¢¨çŽ„)
2017-08-13 23:41:00马的只会出欧卡,把美卡玩家当屎吗
friendA (å‹äººA)
2017-08-14 00:06:00楼上+1,美卡等超久
CJhang (Civil Jobs)
2017-08-14 10:30:00会不会之后出北非.冰岛.格陵兰啊XD
hcdee90 (...)
2017-08-14 10:49:00只有冰岛有可能,北非不是欧洲,格陵兰根本没什么公路XD
那有西西里 会有萨丁吗是说法国好像也没有科西嘉美卡做出101全线或东西岸就是入手时刻 (?