Iamajoke (Why so serious?)
2016-10-08 23:18:06※ 引述《germun (ger)》之铭言:
: > You can now choose from 5 different farm maps at character creation. Each map
: > is focused on a different skill area:
: > Standard Farm – The original Stardew Valley farm.
: > Riverland Farm – Lots of water, good for fishing.
: > Forest Farm – Foraging opportunities and a unique weed that always drops
: > mixed seeds.
: > Hill-top Farm – Has a small mineral deposit from which ores spawn, including
: > a unique geode-bearing ore.
: > Wilderness Farm – Monsters spawn at night.
: 算是最大的更新
: 创角时除了原本的以外, 有4种新的农场可选择
: 1. 河流型-农场有大量河流可钓鱼
: 2. 森林型-有野生作物和种子可以捡
: 3. 丘陵型-有矿挖
: 4. 野原型-夜晚有怪出没
: 相对地, 这些地形可耕地会比较小, 详情见wiki和影片
大家好 刚玩没多久的新手
买了一段时间了 刚好前阵子要更新1.1就一直放著 想说等更新再玩
我选丘陵型 玩到第一年春天快结束
矿只有一点点 而且重生又慢 还不如去矿坑挖
Lots of cliffs and there is a special mining area in the southwest where ore
will spawn, as well as unique geode-bearing stones.
感觉forest farm好像不错