从三月九日起 STEAM市集有重大改变
A delay to catch and stop item theft
If a user trading away or selling items hasn't had their account protected by
a Mobile Authenticator for the past 7 days:
Trades: item delivery from completed trades will be delayed by Steam for up
to 3 days
Market: starting March 9th, sell listings will be held by Steam before they
are posted, for up to 15 days
This provides the user time to cancel any pending transactions they didn't
Cancelling trades that are pending or in a trade hold will begin a trading
cooldown on your account to prevent any further unauthorized attempts to
trade away items. There is no cooldown for cancelling market listings.
交易: 使用者对使用者交易会延迟3天左右
市集: 3月9日起 市集贩售东西从使用者上架到可购买之间 会有15天左右的延迟
取消等待交易的东西 会让你帐号有一段交易冷却期 防止有更多物品被盗的风险
取消市集上架的东西 则不会有任何冷却期
这些我是用自己觉得比较顺畅的方式来翻译的 根原文差异会有一些些