Merkle (你在想奇怪的东西齁)
2015-04-13 12:46:08**** beta 15c 出了 一出还直接出到c2 XDDD ****
BETA 15c
- CTD in research archives, seems more likely in late game
修正了后期某些研发完成时 游戏崩溃的问题
- Cleaned up some possibly bad code supporting what perks can appear in
Training Roulette (XGStrategySoldier.IsRandomPerkValidToAdd)
- Pistols should be equipped properly upon class assignment in Commander's
Choice games
当你更换菜逼八的转职选择时(有开指挥官选择) 手枪会正确的装备上去
- Attempted Fix: It appears that Aurora and Vortex Armors and Mind Shield
were having their will bonus counted twice in some circumstances (including
in the UI to-hit display). This may have impacted balance in favor of the
player and we'll want feedback on how effective psi powers are after this.
(This involves changing the parameters in a call to native code, so it's
hard to be sure exactly what's happening).
准备要修(不保证修得好):灵能护甲和心灵护盾的意志加成 在某些情况下会加倍计算
需要大家多跟我们回馈 这样子会不会让灵能太op(括号里说讲这很难修 不一定修得好)
- Fixed bad jump in Absorbdamage that may have been causing acid debuff to
cause extra damage (rather than just remove DR) when a soldier suffers
additional damage
现在中毒的单位只会被扣DR 而不会受到更多伤害
- More map fixes (Total patches: 26 + 5 "clean" versions of existing maps
that fit their repurposed mission type better)
因应任务种类的重新分配 将许多地图修正
- Alloy SHIV available to build alert should process correctly now on tech
- Corrected Laser Lance and Rail Gun strategy game descriptions
- Advanced Suppression Module now actually grants Danger Zone perk as intended
进阶压制模组现在会给Shiv危险地带的技能了 (........)
- HEAT and Flak Ammo damage bonus to barrage should be working now. Reworked
logic in HEAT ammo and warheads application a bit.
高热弹头和Flak弹头的伤害加成应该正常了 高热弹头和导弹重新调整一下
- Fortiores Una should provide DR bonus now
Fortiores Una(军官技能)应该会提供DR加成了 (.......................)
- Blank items should no longer show up in what-got-broke debrief UI
- Minimum repair time for items corrected to intended 3 days instead of 3
装备最低修复时间修正为正确的三天 而不是三小时
- Interrogations should no longer remove two captives (if you have more than
one), only one.
当你抓超过一只以上的老外才开始审讯的时候 只会用掉一个老外俘虏
- Resolved remaining issues with conditional aim modifiers that we've modded
到底修正了哪些命中相关的也没讲 最好是知道改了啥啦(翻桌)
- Mindfraying soldiers and aliens should return to cover now
- Incinerator module will no longer supply +1 ammo to primary weapon
- Temple Ship Heavy Floaters will no longer get excessive aim bonus
神殿船上的重飞 超多命中增益被拔掉 (原本是 +500命中的样子 就是必中的意思)
- Correct subclass icon will show in postmission debrief UI
任务结算画面 士兵的职业图示会正确显示
- Attempted Fix: Free actions sometimes granted when soldiers returning to
cover after a shot
- Blaster Launcher range should scale properly with aim and perks now.
Possibly some other fixes to range of free-aim weapon.
火箭发射器的范围修正 其他free-aim武器也可能有动到
(?? 手榴弹 火焰喷射器之类的吗? 不确定)
- UFO Scanners should work properly for raiders and some other UFO classes now
- Council Corpse requests should scale better with DW games
Dynatic War模式里面 议会成员要求的尸体数量修正
- Level 7 Outsiders will properly get Damage Control instead of Intimidate
Lv7的光行者技能改成伤害控制 原本是木桶的吼吼(吼一吼玻璃心就会崩溃的那种)
- Fixed Triggers to give a couple of aliens special names
- Regular soldiers should be able to equip flak ammo now
- Quenchguns will now benefit from weapons credit; coilguns will not
淬火枪现在会吃到武器学(审讯红色有角三倍速的)的研发加速 高斯线圈砲不吃
- Aerospace tech credit will no longer give bonus to all foundry projects,
just aerospace ones
航太学的研发加速不再支援所有制造工坊项目 只有航太相关的
Balancing and other changes
- Neural Feedback no longer requires Floater Interrogation to unlock; it is
available at Xenopsionics with MindFray
神经反馈不再需要审讯飞飞才能解锁 现在爬完外星灵能学就解锁
- Crashed destroyer missions will now take place on Overseer maps (with
overseer mission-related stuff stripped). Destroyers now carry 4 UFO Power
Sources that can be salvaged. They will have a few more aliens than in the
Destroyer的坠毁任务可能会出现Overseer map. Destroyer现有四个能量源可回收
- Added PierA map to terror roster
恐怖行动多一张地图可以骰: PierA Map
- More AI work
更多的AI修正 (.....是要逼死谁?)
- Reduced req engineers for Adv Suppression Module and Ammo Conservation.
Reduced cost of Ammo Cons slightly; increased cost of Tactical Rigging.
降低进阶压制模组和Ammo Conservation的工程师需求
稍微降低Ammo Conservation的花费 (原本600真的太贵惹)
增加Tactical Rigging(全部士兵多带一个物品)的花费 (还好哥已经研发下去了)
- Deadeye now provides +15 aim and no crit bonus against fliers
死鱼眼现在只给打空中单位+15命中 没有致命加成了
- Put a hard cap on alien aggro in DW campaigns so they still run some
non-anti-XCOM missions. This is an attempt to address the 5x terror missions
per month apparently happening in DW games.
DW模式下把老外的仇恨加个硬上限 不会再有一个月来五次恐怖攻击的情况
- Battle Rifle / Heavy Rifle series of weapons reworked. Compared to the
assault rifle of the same tech, they offer +1 damage, -1 mobility and a -10
aim penalty after taking any non-turn-ending costly actions. Crit, base aim,
and ammo are equivalent to assault rifle of the same class. They can be
equipped by infantry, scouts, assaults, medics and engineers. (These values
are subject to change). Some rifle costs lowered to be roughly on par with
assault rifles of same tech level.
战场/重步枪系列重制 比同等级的突击步枪多一点伤害 少一点移动力 只有同回合打
第二发才有-10命中(第一发不扣你命中) 弹药数和致命机率和突击步枪一样
改成步兵/斥候/突击/医护兵/工程师可以拿 部分的造价下降
- Terror mission offscreen deaths are now calibrated against activated
aliens, not seen ones.
现在恐怖任务萤幕外杀人是依照你触发的老外数量 而不是你看得到的数量
(果然被砍了 不然开场洒整场的BS就不太会死人了)
- Added Drum Mags small item. They are infinite and available from campaign
start. They grant +2 ammo to assault rifle, carbine, and battle rifle series
weapons and may not be equipped by snipers, gunners or rocketeers. They cost
2 mobility and 4 aim to equip. They cannot be stacked with Hi Cap Mags item.
加入新道具:鼓状弹夹 提供突击步枪/重步枪/卡宾系列+2子弹 降2点移动力跟4点命中
不能跟原本的高容量弹夹叠加 狙击手 机枪兵 火箭兵不给拿
To add them to an existing campaign, you should use the console command
GiveItem END_SHIP_WEAPONS 99 for a nearly infinite amount. Counterfire Pods
removed from game.
旧纪录请按照以下步骤自己加入新道具(开新的就自动会有) 反击模组(Shiv用的)拔除
- Modified version of Nuked City map set up as terror map. The UFO is removed
and replaced with some debris. Thanks to Liquid911 for making this possible.
修改Nuked City map(把UFO移掉) 修改版的加入恐怖任务的地图库中
- Floaters on Normal lose 1 mobility and 5 defense, floaters on classic lose
5 defense.
飞飞在普通难度降一点移动和五点防御 经典难度只降五点防御
- Heavy Floaters on normal lose 5 defense.
- Heavy Floaters on impossible gain 1 mobility
重飞在不可能难度中增加一点移动力 (..............)
- Increased alloy income from UFOs on Normal by 10%, Classic by 5%
UFO任务的合金收入 普通+10% 经典+5%
- Increased frags on classic slightly
- Reduced elerium from power sources by 5 on classic, brutal and impossible
经典/残暴/不可能难度下 从外星动力源拿到的超铀数量-5
- Reduced meld costs of MEC primary weapons by roughly 33% to 50%
- Reduced meld costs of MEC secondaries by 15% to 25%. Increased elerium
costs on several secondaries.
MEC副武器的Meld需求降低15%-25% 部分副武器的超铀需求增加
- Reduced meld costs of advanced MEC techs
- Dropped a wee bit of meld cost from a few genemods, now worried I'm
overcompensating, but we'll see
降低基因模组所需Meld 有点担心降太多 先看看怎样再说
- Fishing village will no longer spawn chryssys from map objects during
terror missions on that map
在渔村地图进行恐怖任务时 不会再从鱼里面蹦出寄生兽
- Made UFO crashes instead of complete destruction for scouts, fighters,
raiders and destroyers marginally more likely
- For the first 75 days, alien satellite hunts will be conducted by fighters
and raiders only.
After that, it will be fighters, destroyers and battleships per normal alien
supply tests.
开场的前75天(两个半月) 只会出Fighters和Raiders来打你卫星 之后就照常
- Increased "free" minimum alien supply from 7 * Months passed to 9 * Months
把老外的免费资源补给量调高惹 (,.....................)
- Hover SHIVs lose 4 defense, 2 flight fuel, 1 mobility, 2 hit points
浮空Shiv降低四点防御 两点血量 一点移动力 两个飞行燃料
- MEC-6 Vanguard gains +1 mobility
血最少的Tier3 MEC甲 多给一点移动力
- Dormant alien pods will now activate if you fire at them and miss
现在只要对老外开火就会触发那群 就算你没打到也一样 (应该是原地不动 非巡逻群?)
- Dormant alien pods will now activate if you use a flashbang on one of its
- Dormant alien pods will now activate if you use a chem grenade on one of its
- Dormant alien pods will now activate if you drop a prox mine in range of them
简单一句话 现在不能先丢Chem/闪光/地雷再去开静止群的老外 丢过去直接触发
- Reduced engineer requirements for Enhanced Lasers and Enhanced Beam Optics
- Exalt cell panic enhancers will now cause the lesser of 10 or the base
panic from the panic event, instead of 15 regardless.
- Soldiers may equip only one battlescanner item each (although it still
gains bonus charges from various perks, and BS perk is unchanged)
战场扫描器现在每人限带一个 天赋技能给的照旧 (限量是残酷的)
- Scout tree reworked
- XCOM base on normal gets +2 "free" power
普通难度 开场基地多送你两点电力 (开场可以盖Uplink+挖电梯去拿蒸气)
- Reduced power requirement for hangar by 1
(essentially +1 free power on all difficulties)
- Meld cans will last a little longer before closing
- On Dynamic War games < 1, timeouts from fatigue and wounds reduced to balance
out mission rates from exalt and council missions (which aren't subject to DW
在DW模式下 休息跟受伤的时间降低
- On Dynamic War games < 1, slowed Exalt activity in accordance with DW setting
This does mean it takes longer for them to build cells as well as run
operations, so it will probably take you longer in campaign time to wipe
Exalt out, but they should make up a reduced proportion of your missions in
any given month.
DW模式下 Exalt的活动频率降低 相对地你需要更多时间才能清掉Exalt总部
- Removed mobility penalty for taking Shock-Absorbent Armor perk.
- All UFOs shot down in first month with generate crash missions and not blow
up. I'm selling out because there's zero narrative justification for this
being possible.
第一个月的UFO不会直接被打爆了 打下来一定是坠毁任务
- Thin Men pods will be slightly more common
辛面群会比较常出现 (Typhon:想我吗 啾咪 *^.<* )
- Floaters lose 1 base mobility, get it back on day 90
飞飞起始移动力-1 90天后会加回去
- Heavy Floaters lose 1 hp during level ups (day 360), gain 2 mobility (360 and
重飞现在血量不会那么多(360天后降一点血量) 但是在360天和500天会增加一点行动力
- Shifted the extra damage curve on impossible. Earlier aliens don't get bonus
damage, later aliens get more.
不可能难度的伤害增幅调整 现在初期老外没有+1伤害 后期的会加超过2点
- Titan Armor now costs 8 meld.
泰坦甲现在要 8 meld (原本不用....)
- Quenchguns anti-DR bouns now 2x base gauss DR, not 3x (so .67 default instead
of 1). Reduced price of QG foundry project.
淬火枪只提供高斯武器两倍降DR 不再是三倍 (所以没有稳定穿甲了) 降低改善成本
- Gave aliens a slight bonus in their saving throws against mimic beacons
这我看不懂? 意思是老外比较不会对拟声信标丢手榴弹/喷酸的意思嘛?
- Various minor price adjustments
- Adjustments to Guardian (starts with Opportunist; Sentinel goes to old
Opportunist slot), Archer, Goliath trees
Medic/火箭兵/机枪手 切GG的天赋树调整
- SHIV Defenses foundry tech renamed "Mechanized Unit Defenses" and moved to
Carapace. It now unlocks Core Armoring and Alloy-Carbide Plating.
Core Armoring now available to MECs.
Damage Control Pods unlocked by Heavy Floater Autopsy.
Shiv防御计画改名为机械单位防御计画 研发完进阶身体护甲解锁
解锁 碳化合金板 和 核心护甲 现在核心护甲(免疫爆击)可以给Mec穿了
- It will be harder to get Terror Ships on research missions.